Bro dm me your address I swear I will hire a cleaner from getjobber to clean up your mess for you...jeez

My God, just remembering that image...(shudder)


I love how this sand nigger goes and hides in his cave after being called a faggot enough times. He actually thought his 4chan autistic memes would shut me up lol what a lonely faggot.

@HH Brother we got this nigger on the run. I wanna run him down with hound dogs, all the way to Mississippi and throw his ass back into slavery.

Do you hear that, you effeminate little brown twink? I changed my mind - I'm not gonna kill ya. You're gonna be my house nigger. You're going to scrub my toilet like Flavia Mullen, even though nobody in my house uses the toilet - we're going to use your mouth to piss and shit in. That's going to be your entire life. Fruitlessly cleaning a toilet nobody uses and eating my shit. Because you're a cave nigger. Send me another meme, those always work. Faggot. get your creative writing juices flowing when you have a few grape shandies huh? Weirdo.

I almost lured you to your death in the hood. LOL

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
Boq at least has some gumption about him, he wants to do things, learn things. He has a photo of me and didn’t dox me because I asked him not to.

He’s okay. I don’t want to know anybodies dox and posting them for any reason is really gay behavior.
How about his whole family’s dox instead, including their workplaces, their coworkers, etc.


How about his whole family’s dox instead, including their workplaces, their coworkers, etc.
The people who root for you to succeed, all miserable and sad like you. Coprophiles, degens, etc. I mercifully advise y'all to: log-off, but you don't listen.

The people who root for me to not get doxed: winners. It is that simple. Mr Patposter who only has patposting experience and patposting type threats, and a "patposting" culture.


Doxxing is gay, in all circumstances. Taking any pointless forum drama into the real world is gay.
We're not talking about Bonnie getting doxed. Boq constantly flexes and positions himself as better than everyone else, despite all available evidence.


An honourable man.
We're not talking about Bonnie getting doxed. Boq constantly flexes and positions himself as better than everyone else, despite all available evidence.

Let him, it’s funny. I don’t believe it either but he’s either telling the truth and good for him, or he’s not and he’s only harming himself.

I just don’t believe in doxing, it’s a red line for me. That’s just how I see it.


Let him, it’s funny. I don’t believe it either but he’s either telling the truth and good for him, or he’s not and he’s only harming himself.

I just don’t believe in doxing, it’s a red line for me. That’s just how I see it.
Then how did you create the Lizard King? How did you deliver one of the best bits to the Man of Pig?