Taylor Swift is 34 years old.

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
She has no sex appeal. Even though she's dressed "sexy", there is nothing sexual about her. She looks like a fucking hotdog with a wig on it

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Guys her age grew up watching Lisa Ann at Taylor's current age get busy. Writing about the fact that you can't keep a man while having zero sex appeal is basically admitting she's a real dead fish.


She's like Howard Stern's wife in that way. It's not that she's unattractive, or that I wouldn't fuck her. But there is just something deeply unsexy and really annoying about her, in a boner-repellent kind of way. I mean, obviously it's music for vapid sixteen year old girls, which is fine, as vapid sixteen year old girls need something to listen to too. But the endless praise and vast cultural importance being assigned to her is just ludicrous, regardless of how many fucking records she sells. She's already peaked anyhow. She'll be forty in a few years, and she'll be slowly forgotten, just like every other dumb pop whore that came before her.
She's a lesbian, that's why.

The Talking Dead

I'm close to death! Hahahaha hooooooly shit!!
The only new one I can think of is that girl that always looks stoned, dresses dumpy, and dates a nog. I can't remember her name.


This cunt? Annoying as she is, I did like that Bond song she did.


Give Me Some Money
She is legitimately one of the most annoying female celebrities I can think of and I can't even really explain why.
To me the reason is that the media and her retarded fanbase has put her up as our generation's Bob Dylan with the showmanship of Michael Jackson when, from what I've heard of her music, she really has nothing to say and no real creativity.

Turry Fawks

Seven toothbrushes
All of you saying you've never heard one of her songs are delusional. Maybe you didn't know it was her but it's like living in 2000 and saying you've never heard a Christina Aguilera song. If you go to bars or spend any time around women you've heard it.
