lol @ user @sue lightning being in the first wave of the draft to die in some stupid unjust war thousands of miles away


The gunslinger.
Oh no you're automatically registered for the selective service.... unlike before where only getting a drivers license (in some states) , having a Fafsa loan , and a million other ways that literally every male with a ss number was already registered anyway.

Nice run-on sentence stupid

Where did you get the lawsuit money from, a fagsa loan? Hehehehehehe :klxffi4:


The gunslinger.
Not to mention that the savior of white society should probably be white.

Remember when he posted this?

The Real Ray WiIson

Raymondo Munoz
@NoBacon You have nothing to live for so you should just refuse to be part of these Jewish machinations and kill yourself. God forgives.

Things are coming to head but it's just because a dying has-been and the new Bug Empire want to take a shot at the top. Been happening since before the beginning of history.

Have you met government employees? You think they could pull off some grand plan for humanity?


The gunslinger.
@NoBacon You have nothing to live for so you should just refuse to be part of these Jewish machinations and kill yourself. God forgives.

Things are coming to head but it's just because a dying has-been and the new Bug Empire want to take a shot at the top. Been happening since before the beginning of history.

Have you met government employees? You think they could pull off some grand plan for humanity?

Why do people always say that as if every single person needs to be involved, you just have to nudge people in a direction and they’ll do all the work and not even know why. How many people sincerely bought into the vaccine? Into climate change stuff?

You’ll know them by their fruits, sir. You don’t have to know anything but that.

The Real Ray WiIson

Raymondo Munoz
Why do people always say that as if every single person needs to be involved, you just have to nudge people in a direction and they’ll do all the work and not even know why. How many people sincerely bought into the vaccine? Into climate change stuff?

You’ll know them by their fruits, sir. You don’t have to know anything but that.
You should figure out who has historically been behind the pro-abortion movement. Fucking wolf in sheep's clothing. Go medicate yourself.

Sue Lightning

It’s in the law, so he will comply fully. If the law says something, then it’s to be followed to the letter lest your justly punished.

That’s what @Sue Lightning believes.
The law says the US can draft people 18-25. I’m fine with that. Because theres also legal options to get out of it like a conscientious objector. Oh hey and we already have precedent of draft dodgers fleeing to Canada and being pardoned. I love America.


The gunslinger.
You should figure out who has historically been behind the pro-abortion movement. Fucking wolf in sheep's clothing. Go medicate yourself.

What’s that got to do with anything? Satan said he’d have control of the church and he has achieved that. I don’t know what the true church is, but I know if you’re truly looking for it then every door will be opened for you to find it.