I had a friend who, at age 38-39, suddenly became obsessed with getting married and having kids. He ended up meeting a weird, mousy, kind of cross-eyed girl who agreed to go out with him a second time, and he went full retard, braying on Facebook about how wildly in love he was and etc. They'd been out maybe nine or ten times, and the retard went out and bought a $7500 engagement ring. They went to Vegas for the weekend, and he was on social media telling everyone how it was going to be the greatest weekend of his life.
So he made a reservation at that gay revolving restaurant on top of the Stratosphere tower, for the two of them and two of his friends who tagged along. After they ate he asked her to go outside on the observation deck thing for pics, and he got down on one knee and did the whole "will you marry me?" bit. She ran away in horror, leaving him kneeling there like a complete pud, then she started yelling at his dumbfounded friends, asking them if they knew he was doing this, then she fled. He chased after her, begged her to stay, then had to drive her home right then (to CA), in the middle of the night. She never spoke to him again after that.
He was telling me this story and I burst out laughing, and he got all pissy about it. Then he wrote a bunch of really shitty songs about how lovelorn he was, and I kind of stopped talking to him after that.