WWAW Better Call Saul coming out again this coming monday?


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Who is ready to see Cranston in his shitty baldcap tomorrow?

Fat 42 year old Aaron Paul playing 23 year old Jesse and late 60s Cranston playing 50 year old Walt will be a sight to behold. It was embarrassing enough in El Camino and is only going to be worse now. Of course the fags on Reddit will eat it up and declare it a genius stroke from VG as always.

These last 4 episodes are going to be such a treat. I can't wait to see how the cultish fanbase of this shitshow try to spin it in a positive way.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Fat 42 year old Aaron Paul playing 23 year old Jesse and late 60s Cranston playing 50 year old Walt will be a sight to behold. It was embarrassing enough in El Camino and is only going to be worse now. Of course the fags on Reddit will eat it up and declare it a genius stroke from VG as always.

These last 4 episodes are going to be such a treat. I can't wait to see how the cultish fanbase of this shitshow try to spin it in a positive way.
With how the last episode ended, just fucking go to Nebraska for these last four episodes. What else is there in the past for us to know about Saul at this point.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
With how the last episode ended, just fucking go to Nebraska for these last four episodes. What else is there in the past for us to know about Saul at this point.

Seriously - dedicating the last 4 episodes solely to present day Saul/Gene is the best possible thing they could do at this point. It'd still probably be terrible but better than whatever I'm sure is going to play out in reality.

It's weird how excited I am for these last few episodes. There's never been a more pretentious, cultish fan base for any show in history and it's going to be beautiful to see them try to justify how terrible the end of this train wreck is going to be. The schadenfreude is delicious.


Still spreading the O&A virus
to add to the list:
Howard could have just told Ed Begley Jr. "hey- I was at my shrink when I supposedly ran over that hooker"

however, the counterpoint to that could be that Howard didn't want to reveal he was at a shrink
Howard told Jimmy, his worst enemy, that he was seeing a shrink. So him telling Clifford Main would be more likely than not. Kim also told Jimmy he should see a shrink over Chuck's death but he turned it down. So it would not be embarrassing.


Still spreading the O&A virus
With how the last episode ended, just fucking go to Nebraska for these last four episodes. What else is there in the past for us to know about Saul at this point.
They need to try to explain how Saul the funny reluctant happy lawyer from five minutes ago morphs into a deranged hooker addicted millionaire who is advocating his clients to murder people to preserve their drug running business. "Can't you just whack Badger?". And they need to explain why a millionaire lawyer with a mansion works out of a stripmall office with a blowup statue of liberty and not a skyscraper penthouse. They also will retcon some stuff in BB, like making Saul highly aware of the blue meth, and him actively seeking Heisenberg, which will be something that BCS tries to establish. That Saul knew about a new meth kingpin and was actively tracking down Heisenberg well before Badger was arrested.

They also need to bring Tuco back into the BCS world one last time. Plus the BB cameos of Walt, Jesse, probably Hank and others as well. Maybe Tuco hears that Nacho killed his family and wants to kill Nacho's father. Or Tuco sees the guy he beat the shit out of at the taco place is now magically working as enforcer number one for Gus and realizes he was set up to go to prison. They need to explain why Tuco is not constantly trying to murder Mike in the BB timeline.

Nebraska episodes will probably be simple. New recast taxi guy bothers Gene again. Gene is super paranoid. Tries to escape on his own and stages some riot at the mall or like a flash mob of people robbing stores. Spoiler alert.....all of the robbers will be White for political correctness. Likely he is arrested like a dolt or turns himself in anyways. Kim returns with a new legal practice and becomes his lawyer. Probably gets some jail time but not much.


They need to try to explain how Saul the funny reluctant happy lawyer from five minutes ago morphs into a deranged hooker addicted millionaire who is advocating his clients to murder people to preserve their drug running business. "Can't you just whack Badger?". And they need to explain why a millionaire lawyer with a mansion works out of a stripmall office with a blowup statue of liberty and not a skyscraper penthouse. They also will retcon some stuff in BB, like making Saul highly aware of the blue meth, and him actively seeking Heisenberg, which will be something that BCS tries to establish. That Saul knew about a new meth kingpin and was actively tracking down Heisenberg well before Badger was arrested.

They also need to bring Tuco back into the BCS world one last time. Plus the BB cameos of Walt, Jesse, probably Hank and others as well. Maybe Tuco hears that Nacho killed his family and wants to kill Nacho's father. Or Tuco sees the guy he beat the shit out of at the taco place is now magically working as enforcer number one for Gus and realizes he was set up to go to prison. They need to explain why Tuco is not constantly trying to murder Mike in the BB timeline.

Nebraska episodes will probably be simple. New recast taxi guy bothers Gene again. Gene is super paranoid. Tries to escape on his own and stages some riot at the mall or like a flash mob of people robbing stores. Spoiler alert.....all of the robbers will be White for political correctness. Likely he is arrested like a dolt or turns himself in anyways. Kim returns with a new legal practice and becomes his lawyer. Probably gets some jail time but not much.
Holy Toledo thats a lot to wrap up in 4 episodes. If anyone can do it its my man Vince!!

Edit: Wow this blew up!! Thanks for all of the upvotes and badges :)


my little babies are gone
My prediction is there will be a scene where Saul says to Walt "Hey, you're not the one here who knocks, buddy!" or something equally lame. Meek Walt will have this flash where everyone sees "Heisenberg" in his eyes but then reverts to Walt. Reddit goes wild. It'll probably have something to do with the car wash.


My prediction is there will be a scene where Saul says to Walt "Hey, you're not the one here who knocks, buddy!" or something equally lame. Meek Walt will have this flash where everyone sees "Heisenberg" in his eyes but then reverts to Walt. Reddit goes wild. It'll probably have something to do with the car wash.
In the penultimate episode, there will be a 20 minute montage where the car wash guy with the eyebrows cleans a car and stocks his vending machines.


It's been fun talking to fans of this show online and in person about the final season. The slow dawning comprehension that their Holy Grail has turned into embarrassing, pretentious drivel is rewarding. I was talking to my cousin and his wife earlier today and they were raving about how incredible it was, better than Breaking Bad, better than anything on TV ever. I used various points that we've made in this thread and the earlier BCS one. My cousin swung completely around, but his wife is still pretending the show is perfect. She, and others, take it very personally when you tell them the "genius" thing they're devoted to is hack garbage. There's a reason BCS gets maybe a quarter of Breaking Bad's ratings.

On the flipside, I'm on season 3 of yet another Sopranos re-watch and boy is it a stark difference. I get that art is subjective, but anyone who can seriously claim that BCS or BB is better than even the last season of Sopranos should be killed.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
I was talking to my cousin and his wife earlier today and they were raving about how incredible it was, better than Breaking Bad, better than anything on TV ever.

I legitimately hate the fan base of this show. They’re all just retards who repeat the exact same things as each other. What is it they’re enjoying so much? I don’t get it at all. Nothing of any substance has occurred in 6 fucking seasons.


I legitimately hate the fan base of this show. They’re all just retards who repeat the exact same things as each other. What is it they’re enjoying so much? I don’t get it at all. Nothing of any substance has occurred in 6 fucking seasons.
We're just ahead of the curve. In a year or two, there will be a Buzzfeed article about how it actually sucked, then Twitter and Reddit will come alive to say they all thought it sucked too.


Still spreading the O&A virus
I legitimately hate the fan base of this show. They’re all just retards who repeat the exact same things as each other. What is it they’re enjoying so much? I don’t get it at all. Nothing of any substance has occurred in 6 fucking seasons.
Unfortunately every single fanbase is like this because of social media. Sopranos fans literally do nothing but quote each other or make shinebox jokes with no serious discussion of the series. Same with The Wire or Shield or even something like VEEP or South Park. They just quote characters at each other like retards.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Unfortunately every single fanbase is like this because of social media. Sopranos fans literally do nothing but quote each other or make shinebox jokes with no serious discussion of the series. Same with The Wire or Shield or even something like VEEP or South Park. They just quote characters at each other like retards.

True but BCS fans are definitely more cultish than fans of other series. For example, GoT fans were rightfully shitting all over that show during its final season yet here we are, 4 episodes from the end of BCS and people are still acting like it's this flawless work of genius despite it being total dogshit.

The Fuchitive

Still alive as of January 2024
True but BCS fans are definitely more cultish than fans of other series. For example, GoT fans were rightfully shitting all over that show during its final season yet here we are, 4 episodes from the end of BCS and people are still acting like it's this flawless work of genius despite it being total dogshit.
Bravo Vince


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
At the rate we're going this guy will end up being Cliff Main's son:



Keyboard Warrior
True but BCS fans are definitely more cultish than fans of other series. For example, GoT fans were rightfully shitting all over that show during its final season yet here we are, 4 episodes from the end of BCS and people are still acting like it's this flawless work of genius despite it being total dogshit.
We agree on facts, but the fact is that GoT was such a mess at the end that you couldn't excuse it no matter how much you loved it.

In GoT, Daenery's Targaryen's army was wiped out by the White Walkers. But then they were in the next episode.

Arya Stark sneaks through and kills the main White Walker leader out of nowhere.

Cersei's foretold prophecy of being killed by her brother did not happen.

I don't remember the detail, but I want to say in the second to last episode a character runs out of the city on a horse and then is back with no explanation.

With BCS these plot holes aren't as obvious. But you'd have to be a complete retard (and not just a reddit faggot) to be able to excuse GoT.

The acting in the first few seasons of GoT is so great, and because of that ending, no one rewatches the show. That's quite a feat in today's golden age of the American fanboy.