WWAW being an incel?


CakeHorn/Say "Cookie"/BonnieMcFarlaneMe2 Alt
there is NO reason for a young man to be "an incel"

just do like I did and fuck around with 6's who had one thing you liked about them......

an "incel" is just an entitled brat

Holy shit are you guys serious or just fucking around?​

I decided to read your sub after getting linked to it on /r/askreddit and I can’t believe it. Do you morons really think that looks are what matters most? That’s ridiculous and I can prove it. My best friend grew up as the ugly outcast kid. His face was all fucked up and he was 5’2” in high school. But you know what? He decided to do something about it and showered three times per day while posting on IncelTears and in just a few weeks he grew to 6’3”, grew a full head of hair, and got a perfect chin. You guys really need to work on your personalities.


fuck jews

Sue Lightning

Incels are fucking retards. They’re all under this false perception that “women only go after chads” when every woman i’ve ever met or seen has the ugliest boyfriend ever. Charming people really goes farther than anything. Now obviously physical attractiveness can help you with charm as it makes you more approachable. But once you say something funny it really doesn’t matter what you look like.

I also don’t understand the constant obsession over pussy they have. Does it feel good? Yeah. And I understand why they feel like they’re missing out. But once you’ve fucked one you’ve fucked all. And once you seriously date a woman you start to understand how miserable it all is. When I think about all the girls I fucked or dated pussy was not worth all the trouble it brought. Incels are unironically living the good life being so repulsive that women don’t want to interact with them.

Edit: I will also add that a big reason incels can’t get women is because they consistently go after 10’s who have no relation to them in terms of physical attractiveness, social class, or interests. If you’re some scrawny nerdy geek who’s a solid 5, why are you trying to fuck the sorority girl who loves hiking and partying?

Sue Lightning

Oh Literal Gassers! Obviously if you’re using lame ass pick up lines like that you’re not getting anywhere. I’m talking about being genuinely funny. The shallowness of women isn’t special to women , it’s all people. Girls are lured in initially by physical attractiveness but if a man can’t provide for them, emotionally support them, or make them laugh they’re fucked and only used for sex. In the same way that dudes will be lured in initially by physical attractiveness but if a woman can’t provide for them (sexually), emotionally support them, or engage them in an interesting conversation they’re fucked and only used for sex.

Again, you have to know who you’re available to. If i kept going after popular girls I would feel fucking miserable because I would constantly be getting rejected. If i kept going after women I KNOW would like me and who i’m attracted to that aren’t top shelf whores then not only will I be asking out less women and thus get rejected less, but you’ll also get accepted by at least one.


CakeHorn/Say "Cookie"/BonnieMcFarlaneMe2 Alt
Again, you have to know who you’re available to. If i kept going after popular girls I would feel fucking miserable because I would constantly be getting rejected. If i kept going after women I KNOW would like me and who i’m attracted to that aren’t top shelf whores then not only will I be asking out less women and thus get rejected less, but you’ll also get accepted by at least one.

His looksmatch in 2023​



CakeHorn/Say "Cookie"/BonnieMcFarlaneMe2 Alt
lmao if any of you actually identify with incels kill yourself. why would anyone choose to identify with a group that centers around being unfuckable weirdos. that's so embarassing. literally get any hobby lol
the problem is i am a pussy, i have to tried to cut myself a few times like a tranny but could never fully commit to slitting wrists. It's a tough one man. :image_9248_m:

Sue Lightning


His looksmatch in 2023​

View attachment 101028
Gassers love you love the show but there’s an acceptable in between of super model and unfuckable pig.

I’ll tell a little anecdote so i’m not talking out of my ass with this. I knew a girl who fucking hated me. I wasn’t her type at all. I’m admittedly a manlet and was younger, and long story short I ended up fucking up one of her friendships so she despised me. Long story short we started interacting through mutual friends to the point where we just accidentally started dating. I didn’t even find her physically attractive (she wasn’t a disgusting pig, just not my type / what i usually found attractive). So it was a shock to me when we ended up dating for a couple of years when we had no initial attraction to each other.

My whole point is that yeah shallow people exist but you just fucking avoid those people to find someone who’s genuinely interesting and interested in you. Incels resent the fact that they aren’t chads to attract these shallow broads. What are you missing out on if theyre so shallow? The eye candy of their face while you’re fucking them? Who cares if they have a rock for a brain?


CakeHorn/Say "Cookie"/BonnieMcFarlaneMe2 Alt
Gassers love you love the show but there’s an acceptable in between of super model and unfuckable pig.

I’ll tell a little anecdote so i’m not talking out of my ass with this. I knew a girl who fucking hated me. I wasn’t her type at all. I’m admittedly a manlet and was younger, and long story short I ended up fucking up one of her friendships so she despised me. Long story short we started interacting through mutual friends to the point where we just accidentally started dating. I didn’t even find her physically attractive (she wasn’t a disgusting pig, just not my type / what i usually found attractive). So it was a shock to me when we ended up dating for a couple of years when we had no initial attraction to each other.

My whole point is that yeah shallow people exist but you just fucking avoid those people to find someone who’s genuinely interesting and interested in you. Incels resent the fact that they aren’t chads to attract these shallow broads. What are you missing out on if theyre so shallow? The eye candy of their face while you’re fucking them? Who cares if they have a rock for a brain?
It' all fine and dandy brotherman, the truth is i do a little shitposting/attentionwhoring here and there but yes there is sincerity in my posts, nothing i admit to on this forum is false.

The fact of the matter is i am poor, a genetic abomination who is a born in a third world shithole. The fun part is if tried my luck on on any of the ladies that look like men in these parts, I would be end up in a gruesome honor killing at the hands of a shitskin psychopath.

So just a little fun with a grapefruit shandy brotherman. :brothaman_sm: