I was a paper boy. Me and you seem to have a lot in commonDelivering newspapers as a kid sucked. Day in day out delivering the fuckin' things to people who would bitch about whatever got up their ass during the day so they'd take it out on the kid delivering the paper. If it got a little wet in the torrential rain or if their shitty mailbox was already full of junk so you had to shove the fucker in. At Christmas time a few people would give me a few bucks but that would be 1% of all the places. At the end of my route, up top of the only steep hill for 50 miles, there was an old prick who would constantly badger me about being 10 minutes late or whatever as though I had a timed schedule. One day his wife left me a card saying thank you etc and that he had died. I think she thought we were being friendly when I actually hated that old cunt and was so happy to hear he croaked.
The pittance I got paid probably didn't even cover the wear and tear on my bike. I reached the point where I just started dumping papers on big vacant lot with grass that was probably 4 foot high. One day I went past and someone had been in there mowing the lot and there was a massive pile of old fucked up newspapers. Figured it was a good time to quit.