Rick's Nearly Missing Backyard Grill


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy

So first it was the chairs that magically re-appeared in the backyard when a kiwi did reconnaissance. Then it was the paint can lightly dropped in his driveway. Now they're trying to steal his grill.

All this coincides with Niki and/or Lynne finally making him change his phone number, so his daily habit of telling harassers to enjoy prison is replaced by a new phone that never buzzes because he doesn't have any actual friends to text with. Lonely and missing the attention, his imagination starts to wander. This battle isn't over! They're escalating Lynne!

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
That’s the cheapest chargrill on the market. It’s the Lowe’s private label.
He didnt even buy it new. Probably got it 2nd hand off facebook marketplace




Crumbly feta is not God's Plan
Any chance the paint can wasn't him? Any at all? He can't stop bringing up the Nazi symbols he so desperately wants to make stick to a bunch of Panera Bread assistant managers and truckers on a radio show forum.
Everything involving Nazi symbols or references is always Pat because he doesn't know how to be funny with it. Even the stupid email he wrote himself was YouWillNeverFindMe1488. The least funny person here could come up with a hundred things funnier than that.


Nice For Here
Let's imagine for a moment that everything Rick has ever said is true. People are SWAT-ing him, trying to get him killed, vandalizing his property, calling in bomb threats, putting his life and his family's life in danger. And these people are trolls who thrive on attention.

Now let's say they tried to prank him so that his property would be essentially stolen. Only it doesn't work. But also no one on earth--not even the troll who pulled the prank--knows that the prank didn't work. Do you:

A) quietly gather evidence and submit it to the authorities. Don't breathe a word about it to anyone other than the police and your ugly wife.


B) immediately plaster it all over social media, giving the trolls exactly what they want: attention, knowledge that they wasted your time, knowledge that they pissed you off, ideas for future bits.

Pat chooses B) every time. He's 1000% complicit in everything that happens to him. He's also a fat and ugly unemployed bum.

If people set rudimentary animal traps in his yard he would tweet selfies while still caught in them.

"Welp, currently tweeting from the bottom of a freshly dug pit. Turns out the plate of meatloaf sitting on palm fronds was bait placed by the Nazi terrorist stlaker cabal."

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
If people set rudimentary animal traps in his yard he would tweet selfies while still caught in them.

"Welp, currently tweeting from the bottom of a freshly dug pit. Turns out the plate of meatloaf sitting on palm fronds was bait placed by the Nazi terrorist stlaker cabal."
Felony shit covered punji sticks, stlaker