Rape apologists

Honey Badger

My father has no penis
Did anyone else see this on r/Hims?


Dog Eater

My babies are gone.
Stop rape huh? Why don't you stop fucking raping all the poor defenseless cows and chickens that you pay to have raped every god damn day to have your egg mcmuffin and icecream. Women think they're selfless in their crusade for feminism? Well the buck stops at where they think it doesn't affect them. Men make women into objects and women perpetuate this by making other females into objects. You want to stop women being raped? Shut down the dairy farms and the slaughterhouses. Stop the tradition of sentient beings being objectified and given no egalitarian, or ethical consideration. Too difficult, you like the taste of chicken you fucking baby? Well guess what, I like the feel of my cock when I'm fucking raping your oblivious cunt.