Joe Cumias DD214


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Funnily enough, they do. They're taking anyone from 18-60, male or female.

Yet another example of bigmouth Fat faggot being a bitch-made coward who never puts his mother-in-law's money where his fat mouth is.
Can you imagine a fat lump like him in a war zone? He’d be crying and screaming (like many men do), but his sheer arrogance beforehand would make it unacceptable.

I truly wish I had some crazy dictator power, just for one day, so I could send fatty up to the front with nothing but paint filled balloons and a size S flak jacket

Petworth dude

Owner declined entry
Funnily enough, they do. They're taking anyone from 18-60, male or female.

Yet another example of bigmouth Fat faggot being a bitch-made coward who never puts his mother-in-law's money where his fat mouth is.
At this point, they're only taking vets with combat experience, and there are more people interested in joining than there are slots available. But they take in a a wider range of people for things like humanitarian assistance.

Serious Business

Hooli's for me forever, sta‎lker. Never for you.

Found footage of Joe getting roasted during basic training.

“This recruit can’t swim.” Will never not smash my ribs

I haven’t read through this whole thread so I don’t know if it’s been brought up yet, but when these DIs say pizza box, they’re talking about the rifle Marksman badge.

Rifle badges are the same levels for the army and Marines. Marksman is the lowest you can get and still qualify. I mean, you have to be really really fucking bad at shooting to get it and it’s an embarrassment to wear a pizza box.

Joe’s documents indicate that he was a rifle Marksman.

I’m not sure how it was in the 70s nor in the Army over all but if you had anything less than Expert in the Marines, you will not be considered for jump school or any of the units that would require you to have your wings.


It died on the vine
All that backpedaling and asking questions instead of answering means he knows he got got. You served, you give actual dates and actual duties and actual fucking stories about what you or someone you knew did. Joe never tells any stories, and he only has the one picture they take when you first get there. That other one is not him and no one else can tell me otherwise.
He didn't even do a full year but got hats, shirts, keychains and all for the pittance of a military discount and some unearned respect. Fuck him.


First, he's splitting hairs about what being a "veteran" is. Then he starts making excuses about why he didn't become a green beret because it didn't fit with his plans. Finally, it's "I was bored".

"I earned the hat."

Joe really is pathetic. Fucking stupid, too.
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fuck jews
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