Jim Norton was on Kill Tony with Tucker and Joe Rogan


One of the biggest things I hate about this new Austin comedy scene is the guys like Rogan and Tony trying so hard to push the narrative that they’re conservative rebels. It all comes off as completely fake, especially in Tony’s case.

They also are partying it up every night, doing illegal drugs, having gay sex etc. Doesn’t sound very conservative to me. They just wanted to move somewhere with no comedy scene so they could take it over and feel like kings since they were hacks in LA.

It’s going to be hilarious when some young comic moves to Austin and gets the book thrown at him for drug possession or something that wouldn’t be a big deal in a different state and everyone realized that this whole scene was a sham from the start. I’m highly confident that this shit won’t last another 5 years. Tim Dillon left almost immediately and went back to LA.
Literal communists > Shabbos "conservatives." Tell me more about your mixed race kids and wife with an enormous hog.
First of all, you are a leftist so of course you would say that. Second of all, neither of the two people you are talking about have ever referred to themselves as conservative. The only people who think Joe Rogan and Jim Norton as conservative are people on the far left like yourself.

BTW are you on here babbling literally 24 hours a day? Do you do anything productive at all? You remind me of people on The Unz Review who are there just to babble complete nonsense all day long in the comments section. Why is everything you talk about political and you're not funny at all? Why do you think people are so interested in your faggot political views?