Jim Norton Married a Tranny!




Jesus Christ, what an ugly mother fucker.

She's in it for the money.

Fawkin Tranna Nicole Smith or sumptin


The Talking Dead

I'm close to death! Hahahaha hooooooly shit!!
and "will I survive if I jump off this balcony?"

I like how not being able to operate his cable system all those years ago was enough to make him have that thought but marrying a male prostitute 30 years younger than him who's only in it for the money apparently isn't.

They're both living a nightmare but pretending their living the dream. It's fascinating in a morbid kind of way.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
I like how not being able to operate his cable system all those years ago was enough to make him have that thought but marrying a male prostitute 30 years younger than him who's only in it for the money apparently isn't.
And this is where he's become totally incapable as a stand up... you know, his job. Stand up is pointing out the obvious, pointing out the hypocrisy, the denial. He's either fucking or getting fucked by a young Norwegian man that he's married to. His life is funnier than his act.

Also, he's fat and gay and I don't like him.


Still spreading the O&A virus
I was listening to that o&a clip of them talking about the two-headed girls recently and that part where Jimmy is saying the dog barks every time it sees them and says "Why is nobody addressing how weird this is? There's a goddam monster in the house!!"

That's exactly what Jimmy's marriage is like.
Faggots Norton and Anthony mocked Opie over "Greggshells". Yet their closeted disgusting AIDS ridden sodomite lives were completely off limits to everyone around them and still are now. No making fun of Thor or Sue Lightning. No mention of Anthony's domestic violence from Compound Media hosts and a list of other forbidden topics that they are not allowed to discuss. Norton doesn't allow callers that bring up Thor on the show.