Jim Norton Married a Tranny!





Helping those 8 to 80
Yes I would just laugh it off it’s a compliment. Now if he took out his girthy piece and tried to make me suck it i might be nonplussed.
Apparently, black dudes are SUPER SENSITIVE about anything homosexual. See this video:

I mean, in my younger years, there were several times gay guys tried to pick me up in bars. I politely told each one of them that I appreciate the compliment of them being interested but I was straight. To a one, they all bought me a drink and I had nice conversations with them all. Never once did I feel the need to attack them or destroy things.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
As much as this thing is an affront to God, I do love how “her” whole thing is to completely humiliate Jimmy. You know deep down he hates being constantly reminded how old he is compared to Thor.
It's as hilarious as it is truly disgusting. I doubt they're together for another ten years, but if they are Jim will be like 65 and looking even shittier and Alan will be 35 and looking even more mannish. I know it has to happen too, I'm 33 and my brow is even more pronounced than it was ten years ago; like I'm looking more and more like some fucking ogre as time goes on.