I’m tired of Ant retconning the post 2008 years of O&A.


Which way?! Medium or well done?
Sirius literally allowed Artie to be on heroin for his entire run. Did you even listen to Stern? I doubt Artie was sober even half of the time. His drunken behavior in the Vegas shows of the Krock era would have gotten anyone fired if it was not a show business job. Do you not remember him screaming "faggot" 100x and asking the actor of Vito from Sopranos if he wanted to start sucking cocks and having to he helped to his room?

Artie was a mess pretty early in his run from booze, then used heroin, got into physical fights with employees, was using heroin in the Sirius building, and finally was only let go after a violent suicide attempt. Artie was literally only suspended for being caught with drugs in the Sirius building and getting into a DWI car crash the same week.

KRock and Sirius absolutely allowed employees to be messes. Being a drunken or drugged out mess is not a big deal in show business.
All of that is def true. Obviously, I don't think the sales team at KROCK were allowed to have an intern beauty competition like the Stern show.

But, Howard would not have been allowed to keep his job if he was as racist on the air as Daniel Carver.
Did you ever listen to Carver on Stern? Because he made more racist points than Anthony ever did. And often times Howard would just let Daniel rip on niggers and spics and then that was the segment. No commentary or mocking just Daniel being racist. And Artie used to say that his favorite quote of all time was a Daniel Carver quote. "Someday the Mexicans will outnumber the humans".
Howard had zero to do with O&A's downfall. When listeners, like me, realized Anthony's racist rants weren't just an edgy "joke," we started tuning out. Anthony became fucking obsessed & it was gross.


NYC Mayor
I never complained about the race rants because at first, it was amusing to hear someone on a corporate platform either let dead air go for long periods of time, or make blatantly "racist" comments without a care. Oneal may have said this before, there was a charm to Anthony's racism. He himself having a nigger mind, nigger senses, a niggery past, understands the methods of smoking crack with your mother and older brother who you bum chicks off of. It's like how Chris Rock can make fun of black people, because he is one. See?

My point is, at the very least it was funny to listen to him scream like a maniac blurting basic conservative talking points in the most childish way ever communicated. "WHY DO I HAVE TO PAY TAXES!?!??!?!?!??!" isn't a typical 6:00 AM morning show conversation even on right wing talk stations. And then in later years, Opie would take shit and turn it into shinola. With the epic candy crush bit. Which proved even at the end, Anthony and his boss Opie still had great chemistry, Ant knew enough to continue blathering and turn his mic down a tad to complete his part of the bit.

It's when the ampersand MEANT something.


Who is the lower lifeform, Worm or Sherrod?