Everyone knows at least one guy who you won't see for a couple of years and then you bump into him somewhere. It's 6 p.m. and he says let's grab a beer. You do and the conversation and jokes flow easily. Nothing deep is discussed; you stick to sports, politics lite, movies, general bullshit. You finish a couple of rounds and go your separate ways. You might see each other again next week, in a couple of months or in another few years but the result will be the same. A laid back, relaxed, fun 90 minute hang that requires little to no effort.Find me at the bar. Because I'm an alpha male who crushes beers and expensive bourbon because I'm a bad ass. Safe just isn't my speed. What a pathetic fake faggot. Then as soon as he gets in front of a judge he simps like the beta cuck that we all know he is. "I'm embarrassed sir. This isn't how I normally behave." "I don't close down bars anymore because I'm not 25". He's probably there all afternoon and under his pink blankie by 8pm.
Patrick is the polar opposite to that guy. You would do anything to avoid having a drink with him and if you did somehow find yourself in that scenario, you'd be out of there as soon as possible. Just a weird, unmanly, conceited bore.