Won’t somebody please think of the systematic inequities towards BIPOC communities?
The thing is, for someone who pretends to care about civics, you kinda have to address the legitimate concerns of the populace if you have the audacity to think you can run a society. That doesn't mean jew-inspired rhetoric about BLM is correct, but you are plugged into the fake MAGA arguments so deeply that you have no idea how stupid you sound just repeating shit that other people say without a thought.
If your answer is "BLACK PEOPLE ARE ALL DEMONIC, LOCK THEM ALL UP TO CREATE UTOPIA!" Sure that's humorous on O&A Forums, but in reality you're unhinged, and not to be taken seriously as a leader or problem-solver. You openly think that humanity is based on magical predispositions, like women in astrology, rather than just a natural response to environment.
Being a MAGA Republican is one big hilarious Boomer contradiction they ONLY get into for the rebellion factor. People join up because they have no expertise, no ability to "play it out" or address what is happening in society. So they go for the easy out and try to join the "cool" kids club. Niggers do the same thing with rap and politics (albeit, with far more mainstream success and less cringe-inducement.)
You hate blacks, but you love when they vote for your person and you celebrate them when they do. That's creepy, and it invalidates your own anti-Nigger opinion. You have no morals of your own, and are willing to be the party of the nigger convicts, as long as they vote for exactly who you vote for, and repeat exactly what you say.
Niggers were never here by choice. They were never on board with your vision, (mostly because you didn't let them in on those conversations,) you just bought them and used them as tools to build your country. Now that your brilliant little plan for a country isn't working out, you're blaming the tools (who never sided with you) for not being on your side hard enough. Even funnier, a LOT of the tools actually
do side with you publicly, and vote for your candidate, and even
that's not good enough for you.
wouldn't blacks be violent thieves? They never had a leader in the country, never had an investment in this country, they never believed in your vision, they barely have their own history other than table scraps (which
is your fault because you chose to use them for tools, stunting any potential growth.) Now they have no means of leaving, and they don't really care to leave. They are kept pets. That's
your fault. You didn't play this scenario out.
Also, a shitload of your so-called enlightened caucasoids are directly encouraging nigger behavior. How does that fare for your little theory that whites are genetically superior? If white people are so great, why do your children fall directly into nigger culture so hard? If white people are so smart, why do they fall for entry-level jewish trickery just like niggers do?
Maybe you're just a nigger, but without any of their talents like dancing and intimidation. You just sit there and whine about not getting pussy, but any homeless nigger can get pussy. Now say something about how you're not gonna read this post. Because that's the drive that got the white man where he is today. Make the nigger do all the labor, then sit back and wonder why your ideas never stand up to the scrutiny of time.