Giant white sloth-pig oinks into the void about Cloudflare


I'm just this guy you know?

Paul couldn't let Nicole have her day in the victim sun. Pat couldn't let Paul bask in his victimhood either.

The One-Up Pig dances again.


Hey, he trotted out the police impersonation claim again. I haven't seen that one in a long time. The fake SWATting was from before this place heard of him, as has been demonstrated in detail on multiple occasions.

"I'll tweet at you super hard, cloud child. Twitter is a powerful weapon and I will use it to bend your will into alignment with mine. Get them, children. Leave no one standing."



I'm just this guy you know?
"Dedicated to the coordination, execution, and celebration of .... targeted harassment and terrorism campaign"

He make us sound like fucking Al Qaeda lol.
We literally just called him fat like twice. Has to use his "family" as a human shield.

What family? Your wife doesn't have your last name and neither does Mama Raven.