Dan Mullen fired from Insight Software. Lawsuit incoming...


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Maybe Josiah can come out of retirement and give him a 5 part interview.

1 for every sink.

Dan has job prospects as:
- Phil Collins impersonator

You know what? He does.
Y'all niggers retarded if you think Dan got fired.

You don't fire revenue-generators in this economy unless they've raped someone at knifepoint or called someone a nigger on social media.

I don't think anyone believes he was fired. True. And maybe.

Petworth dude

I'm a bookworm who likes to chat.
Here's why I think it's all a bit on Dan's part...

Not to say all Mullens are related (when will cousin Nick be on NPS?), but you never know.

To @NoBacon 's point, Dan's position as a remote employer does leave him vulnerable. But...when companies do have to make cuts, they tend to be back-office positions in departments like HR. Good sales reps are hard to find.


The gunslinger.
Here's why I think it's all a bit on Dan's part...
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Not to say all Mullens are related (when will cousin Nick be on NPS?), but you never know.

To @NoBacon 's point, Dan's position as a remote employer does leave him vulnerable. But...when companies do have to make cuts, they tend to be back-office positions in departments like HR. Good sales reps are hard to find.

I just meant in general most places are finding reasons to fire people currently, and Patrick and Jackie’s incessant nonsense is a good as reason as any, and that being an actual valuable employee doesn’t matter.

goo gobbler

Boq Discord J
I just meant in general most places are finding reasons to fire people currently, and Patrick and Jackie’s incessant nonsense is a good as reason as any, and that being an actual valuable employee doesn’t matter.
does he even do real sales? if he's just an account manager then all he is doing is upselling shit to existing clients and looking for ways to increase revenue with them while keeping them as a client. not only is that comparatively way easier than a cold call, it's fill it with blacks and women to meet DEI quotas work since it also pays well and sounds respectable

mullen is totally expendable


The gunslinger.
does he even do real sales? if he's just an account manager then all he is doing is upselling shit to existing clients and looking for ways to increase revenue with them while keeping them as a client. not only is that comparatively way easier than a cold call, it's fill it with blacks and women to meet DEI quotas work since it also pays well and sounds respectable

mullen is totally expendable

I think he’s an account executive. There’s some excellent ones I work with who know what to promise for what price point, and mediate differences, and there’s others who promise everything for basic service prices and then just send me all of their angry emails when they’ve been lied to.

Some AE promised some new client that we would handle all of their internal compliance issues and other such nonsense, and demanded to know why we wasn’t. I basically hate AE’s, you do their job for them while they collect all the commission.

The Real Ray WiIson

Raymondo Munoz
I think he’s an account executive. There’s some excellent ones I work with who know what to promise for what price point, and mediate differences, and there’s others who promise everything for basic service prices and then just send me all of their angry emails when they’ve been lied to.

Some AE promised some new client that we would handle all of their internal compliance issues and other such nonsense, and demanded to know why we wasn’t. I basically hate AE’s, you do their job for them while they collect all the commission.
You bitch and moan and hate everything. I'm officially committing a felony by demanding your suicide.

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
What gives, Danno? You just got promoted last month and you're already out on your pale freckled dumper??

Also, nice title stupid. Shoulda gone for "Director of Sales" that would sound much more important imho
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Look at Platinum Dan with the LinkedIn Gold membership. Doesn't that mean Dan can see who views his profile?

Hopefully this funster was not using his real account.