"Civilian" who picked up Rick's chairs reaches out to him on Craigslist to arrange their return (☢️Pig Sperg-out Warning☢️)


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
“Considered desirable and masculine” - Yes, to other men. If you tell a dude you fucked 100 women he’d say “Ok” or think its cool. There is no world where you tell a woman that and she goes “OH WOW THATS SO FUCKING HOT”

Yeah obviously a dude fucking 10 girls is different from a girl fucking 10 guys, and thats a whoooole long conversation, but it doesn’t negate the fact that a dude who sleeps around is still a whore.

Youd still fuck him though. Fags are vurrry promiscuous.


This chair saga is so refreshing. He is literally fuming over these chairs that he made out of old scrap wood.

The cops in my wealthy blue area let people walk out of Lowe’s with $700 generators. The Milwaukee PD wouldn’t even consider this a crime. At best, it’s trash removal.

His writing style is so exhausting, even when he’s trying to act nice. He can’t just be normal and say “no problem, just a misunderstanding. Anyways, I’d appreciate it if you could drop them off at some point over the next month or so. Does that work for you?”

Instead he has to go into how they were coerced and now are accessories to a crime but we’re not mad because it’s not your fault. Anyways we filed a police report and if you can’t drop them off at my house, then technically you’re in possession of stolen property and will be arrested and blah blah blah.

At that point I’d just block his number and then light them on fire or throw them in the woods.


the $83,736.99 fugitive
This chair saga is so refreshing. He is literally fuming over these chairs that he made out of old scrap wood.

The cops in my wealthy blue area let people walk out of Lowe’s with $700 generators. The Milwaukee PD wouldn’t even consider this a crime. At best, it’s trash removal.

His writing style is so exhausting, even when he’s trying to act nice. He can’t just be normal and say “no problem, just a misunderstanding. Anyways, I’d appreciate it if you could drop them off at some point over the next month or so. Does that work for you?”

Instead he has to go into how they were coerced and now are accessories to a crime but we’re not mad because it’s not your fault. Anyways we filed a police report and if you can’t drop them off at my house, then technically you’re in possession of stolen property and will be arrested and blah blah blah.

At that point I’d just block his number and then light them on fire or throw them in the woods.

is there a specific mental illness (other than fat and stupid), where you think because you are right that means in actuality things should work out your way. If the chairs are that important rent a pickup from home depot for that $20/hr deal and pick them up you obese dipshit.

Guess what, I had to defend myself for years and almost 100k even though I was in the right. I just did what I needed to in the real world. Is it just his homosexual wet brain absorbing marvel movies for over a decade and confusing that with reality?
is there a specific mental illness (other than fat and stupid), where you think because you are right that means in actuality things should work out your way. If the chairs are that important rent a pickup from home depot for that $20/hr deal and pick them up you obese dipshit.

Guess what, I had to defend myself for years and almost 100k even though I was in the right. I just did what I needed to in the real world. Is it just his homosexual wet brain absorbing marvel movies for over a decade and confusing that with reality?
Pat should write a book in the vein of Joan Didion: "Six Years of Magical Thinking". Oh right, no one will publish him.