"Civilian" who picked up Rick's chairs reaches out to him on Craigslist to arrange their return (☢️Pig Sperg-out Warning☢️)


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
Nice tacit, stupid.
Linger Longer.




Sue Lightning

I don't condone this behavior, but if a brotherman took these things and has them in his lawn as a souvenier that's PFG
Remember in the Sopranos when Richie gives Tony the jacket and he see’s one of his housekeepers wearing it? One day Rick will be cruising through Milwaukee and see a bunch of niggers sitting in their yard drinking 40’s in his chairs.
It was speculated that the dopey wife has a car and she parks it on the busy bus line street in front of the hovel, but he's confirmed their only vehicles are his Rustang and his two scooters. These two must waste a ton of money on delivery fees and Ubers every year. It's his own fault he doesn't have a useful vehicle like a pickup truck or an SUV, so he expects everyone to accommodate his retarded choices in transportation. Put a blanket on the roof of the Rustang and tie the chairs down to the roof, or rent/borrow a truck, asshole. The nerve of him to treat everyone as his personal servants is insane. He really thinks taxpayers should foot the bill for the MPD to pick up his trash and deliver it to his hovel.

If he really did call the MPD one of the first questions would be how much this "stolen" property is worth. He would say they're priceless because he made them by hand. They'd ask what kind of wood was used to get a better idea of their worth and he'd have to admit they're made out of trash. Just another call from Fatso which wastes valuable time and taxpayer dollars which should be used to respond to, investigate, and solve real crimes.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
More threads nonsense
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Again - two women - married them both.
He is so out of his wheelhouse talking about partners. Plus has never been in a position that he could be picky about how many partners a girl has.
Like people cant have different preferences/standards. Plus, fucking a hoe and making her your girlfriend/wife are two different things.
More threads nonsense
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Again - two women - married them both.

After his wife wisely dumped him and got the hell away from him he latched on to the first woman who would let him touch her, and she happened to be a dumpy, dikey, high body count roastie. He's constantly trying to defend the honor skanks with low standards.

Sue Lightning

More threads nonsense
View attachment 199800
Again - two women - married them both.
“Considered desirable and masculine” - Yes, to other men. If you tell a dude you fucked 100 women he’d say “Ok” or think its cool. There is no world where you tell a woman that and she goes “OH WOW THATS SO FUCKING HOT”

Yeah obviously a dude fucking 10 girls is different from a girl fucking 10 guys, and thats a whoooole long conversation, but it doesn’t negate the fact that a dude who sleeps around is still a whore.