Can we Feed Missy Yet?

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I don't think she is though. I wouldn't be surprised at all if she was just spouting all this religious shite solely on social media for attention. Also I guarantee this whole religious persona she's adopted is because she watched some youtube video of some other dumb cunt one night who was saying modern women need to get back in touch with Christ. And now this retard wants to spread that message to other woman while literally being an unemployed useless nothing who's shacked up with a pedophile.
Either way she is a cunt for it.
Imagine for a second the Opie show on Compound Media back in like 2018-19. There is no reality where the show functions. He takes any calls and it’s just Ants fans calling him a talentless retard. The proposed reunion show in this time frame would also NOT be O&A. It would be A&O. Imagine Anthony as the setting up funny lines guy basically interviewing Opie, or having him sit there contributing nothing like Landau or Artie.

It wouldn't work because Opie needs everything setup and handed to him. Content, topics, news. He literally needed a staff of 5+ for his show. Opie doesn't know how to use equipment. Opie doesn't know how to use streaming software. When he was at SXM, all he had to do was turn microphones on and off and hit play on CD players. Producers are important, people. Look at what O&A have become when they decide they can just riff without content.

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile
Shes is totally fucking either a trainer or student.

Least important person there, she’s probably in charge of cleaning the floors and stacking equipment
Imagine for a second the Opie show on Compound Media back in like 2018-19. There is no reality where the show functions. He takes any calls and it’s just Ants fans calling him a talentless retard. The proposed reunion show in this time frame would also NOT be O&A. It would be A&O. Imagine Anthony as the setting up funny lines guy basically interviewing Opie, or having him sit there contributing nothing like Landau or Artie.

This is a phenomenal point.

Anthony should have always just been a professional and never let his personal feelings be known, if he did that then Opie would've been much more open to fixing things and 2017-2018 probably leads to Opie & Anthony on Compound, whether that would've been successful is debatable but it would've had much more hope than Artie & Anthony, Anthony & Dave Landau or any other co host he's had.

I just think how much that brand name is/was worth and it just seems like such a missed opportunity. Merchandising alone would be a decent chunk of change, Erock claims to be the owner of hours and hours of O&A content which could've been bundled up and either sold or used to create a show itself where people could call and comment on it, not unlike what Opie does on his live streams today but Opie could instead be doing something new and exciting whilst Erock talks about the old days...

It's a shame, ego kills talent.

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
Its so annoying that she just starts to go to church and now acts all high and mighty about it. Its Pat levels of reading a couple articles and acting like an expert. She definitely hasnt read the part about "not judging people" and being humble.
She's not going to church, her thought process is "being italian = being catholic = being christian = going to church = heaven"