Bobby Kelly sucks and is ruining The Bonfire.

Racist Google Intern

Please watch the Itchy and Scratchy Friends Hour!
The thermostat argument is mad. Jay complaining that Jacob makes it too hot and that he needs it cold when he's wearing a hoodie and gloves indoors.
Hey, those gloves are fingerless, a radio host needs their digits at a proper temperature in order to handle loose papers of yahoo news articles.
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I think Jay already is sick of him and knows that of all his fucking TERRIBLE choices for a cohost, Bobby was one of the worst. I can't stand Joe Derosa or Mike Finoia but they were considered for the show and they'd both do a way funnier show with Jay. I believe Derosa would make crew members quit though because he's a cunt.
Sounds like Big Jay ruined his show by choosing the one guy who would make him look thin.
Ya know, in an alternate reality, instead of poaching Jay and Soder for a show, Comedy Central/Sirius XM Radio just picks up Legion of Skanks and puts those three on the air.

Then they slowly resent each other while they can't quit because the money's too good.

Four years ago, Luis would be getting fired for tweeting about the blacks.

By today the listeners would be trying to ruin Luis' life.

It would feel like old times again. Sniff.


After the end of OnA he positioned himself as some elder sage of comedy that's there to help younger comedians but he gets terribly insecure and pissy whenever someone is funnier than him, you need only look at Shane Gillis' first episode of YKWD as proof.
That was genuinely one of the most enraging podcasts I’ve ever heard. The manager of the comedy cellar Liz was also on it and trashed him nonstop. They both basically told Shane he was never going to make it. Bobby has been one of the biggest gatekeepers for comics while acting like he helps all of them. I think I’ve heard loser comics like Mike Cannon and Mike Feeney bitch about how Bobby specifically didn’t help them too. And now since he has a radio show (that everyone hates) and lost weight he feels like more of a big shot than ever.


I'm listening to one from last week. It's been brewing for a while and I'm pretty sure Jacob is going to for real snap on Jay eventually. He seems annoyed by Bobby most of the time but I think he's starting to genuinely dislike Jay like Dan was.

They started out by letting Jacob vent his frustration that they emasculated him in front of a guest and that shit bothers him because he's not a comic and shouldn't be expected to have a witty banter with someone who just singled him out in front of a stranger. They acted like they were just going to hear him out and then Jay turned it into a full blown argument about the thermostat. Jacob called him on it too. He was like "We weren't even talking about that, I just watched you look around the room for something to go off on me about." It's been 40 minutes of this and they're pretty heated at this point. Jay just earnestly said that Jacob should just go back to doing the show from Florida.
I remember reading somewhere that not long before Dan quit, Jay insisted on watching America’s Got Talent on the air. At one point Jacob told him that wasn’t good radio which cause Jay and Christine to have a full blown tantrum at him. Jacob is the only Bonfire producer that is actually entertaining to me so the fact that Jay is so flippant about him is annoying. I really hope the show ends soon because their egos are out of control.


Jay had a story about popping in the ocean so of course Bobby had a story about when he pooped in a lake and made his cousin pick it up. Crazy how for every story told on the show, Bobby always has a similar one to top it.
Was Jay afraid he was going to get eaten by a shark when he was dropping hammers in the ocean? I'm way too afraid of sharks to do that, they can swim in 3 feet of water!