!Alert! Second better debt zoom meeting about to start

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Have you thought about being healthy instead?

Prison Enjoyer

Status: Enjoying Prison! 😁
We like wrangling debtor hogs around these parts, boy! Pay up or I'll use the whip!

Sounds like the court fucked up. According to quasi's lawyer, the motion was a way to get in front of the judge because the clerk kept incorrectly rejecting the Abstract of judgment. An abstract is needed in California to domesticate the debt. The time bar applies to the motion to set aside , but that is "moot" once the abstract is filed. Mayr argued for the motion to be denied, which, according to quasis lawyer isn't needed anyway. Sounds like some gamesmanship from quasi's laywer to get in front of the judge and around a clerk being retarded.

From based socrates "I'll be the first to admit I'm wrong about that. That's good for 10 years".

Quasi is an absolute genius, brilliant play on his end. Brilliant. 141 IQ for real with him.

Prison Enjoyer

Status: Enjoying Prison! 😁
The only lawyer Patrick has ever employed that seemed competent was the last minute strip mall attorney he hired after his schizo pro se manifesto didn't magically fix all his problems.

McCabe was not hired by Patrick, she was hired by Lynne (or SFWA). Patrick was screaming at her outside of the courtroom before the hearing.

I’m convinced he will pull the same crap again - Dodge it as long as he can until he’s facing contempt of court

If he was allowed to by his caretakers, he obviously would. However there is a nearly-100% chance that the party who bailed him out last time will bail him out again (preventing financial examination/a debtor's exam). They are the ones on the hook for all costs incurred by Quasi in his collection efforts on the judgement.

Knowing that it is inevitable, I think it is more likely that they step in to pay the judgement right away once it's domesticated in Wisconsin or shortly thereafter. It would be just plain stupid to wait another 6 months-year and incur MASSIVE additional postjudgement fees for all of Quasi's lawyers. We still don't know how much was paid to cover Pawlowski's fees etc. on the first judgement. I think they'll step in promptly despite piggy's oinks and shrieks about it.

That being said, whether it be Lynne or SFWA, these are still people willingly giving a fat retarded faggot pig big bucks to save his ass from consequences. Stupidly racking up another $10k+ wouldn't exactly be out of character.