WWAW Podcasts?


Matt and Shane’s is probably the best around now. Shane sort of tries to keep it toned down since the firing, but he’ll still say faggot when he gets worked up. They’re both good eggs if you ask me.
Shane is a faggot. He likes to talk like a badass, drinks like an Irishman but 100% kike blood runs through his veins

Edit: he’s funny but overly sensitive about what to say and what not to say. Just be funny fat boy

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Shane is a faggot. He likes to talk like a badass, drinks like an Irishman but 100% kike blood runs through his veins

Edit: he’s funny but overly sensitive about what to say and what not to say. Just be funny fat boy
Yeah, I don’t disagree. I just think he got a taste (just a lil bit) of what real fame felt like. Now he’s trying to play the game within the parameters of what it is. He’s 100% not a Kike. He’ll bring up Jewish conspiracy and make obvious “ light of it” but that’s just playing the game. Him and Matt dance the line very well. I don’t know what you guys expect. You’re not going to beat the kikes by being outward against them. You have to play their games better than they can.

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
The Bone Zone with Brendon Walsh was a funny podcast. His co-host lost his mind after trying pot for the first time. It seems that a lot of borderline straight-edge comedians go full retarded if they start doing drugs in their 30s or 40s. Rogan, Doug Benson etc

never heard Bone Zone til after I caught up on all the World Record Podcasts. Good stuff but not where WRP is at
I like Redbar, he was an acquired taste but I enjoy him. I started watching live. I just let it run in the background and if I hear he’s going to troll someone like Denny, Mark Normand, Gavin, Cumia etc I actively watch.

I also learned about Sven Stoffels via Redbar. Sven is super based and legit a great animator. I’m a fan.

I hate watch Cumia on Compound. There’s a lot
of gold in that show to mock Cumia over. And it all comes right from the ass’s own mouth.

Too many actual retards have huge followings on these streaming podcasts and I just don’t get it. We really need to bring back bullying and reset this clown world we live in back to normalcy.

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
There is a rumor that Adam Friedland's family was funding Chapostraphouse and Cumtown at the beginning (of Patreon) with huge sums of money to have her autistic, gay, underachieving son host with them. They astroturfed both shows, "The Adam Friedland" Show is just the logical conclusion. Stavros can tell the full story.

The Chapo queers have their own trust funds.

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
I know this is necro'd but I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that pretty much all of these comedian podcasts continue to suck dick at this point. All too unfocused and too long. Even the decent ones aren't worth listening to in full when all the funny bits get clipped to Youtube so you can avoid the hours of aimless rambling in between them.

90% of them suck. Especially the comedy ones. I don't like podcast with video. It forces you to watch it or miss most of the content.
I fucking hate that shit and the fact that it's been normalized. It's so fucking lazy and self-important and inconvenient. It's bad enough that the content itself is lackluster, now you're trying to force me to sit my ass down to watch your 3 hour chicken coop recording like it's fucking Casablanca? The only use it has is as background noise when people are doing busywork, you faggots.

That's a large part of the reason why pretty much the only podcasts I listen to these days are strictly informative ones. A single dude who knows his shit prepares a script and tells a story about Angkor Wat or serotonin or whatever in a 40 min episode. No waffling, no forced banter, no management, HIS SHOW.
Yeah, I don’t disagree. I just think he got a taste (just a lil bit) of what real fame felt like. Now he’s trying to play the game within the parameters of what it is. He’s 100% not a Kike. He’ll bring up Jewish conspiracy and make obvious “ light of it” but that’s just playing the game. Him and Matt dance the line very well. I don’t know what you guys expect. You’re not going to beat the kikes by being outward against them. You have to play their games better than they can.
How fucking dumb do you have to be to think MSSP are waging some sort of silent war against Jewish people?

Take your meds and go outside.


A circle of N-words
I think the last legitimately good podcast I heard was LOS only because I think the guys on it are funny, but I could never bear to sit down and listen to that shit.

Rogan, Cumtown, Tim Dillon, Tigerbelly, Bert Kreischer. Maybe i’m just not that fawkin deep with the podcast thing, but they seriously all suck a dick.
Fawkin you never had bear meat bruh? Trichinosis is just PETA propaganda. Anyone saying otherwise is just a fawkin low T cell havin cocksucker bruh.


I was chest-bumped, alroight!


Yeah, I don’t disagree. I just think he got a taste (just a lil bit) of what real fame felt like. Now he’s trying to play the game within the parameters of what it is. He’s 100% not a Kike. He’ll bring up Jewish conspiracy and make obvious “ light of it” but that’s just playing the game. Him and Matt dance the line very well. I don’t know what you guys expect. You’re not going to beat the kikes by being outward against them. You have to play their games better than they can.
so...taqiyya, got it.


Nobody has figured out the formula yet. Feels like we're still in the AngelFire/GeoCities era of podcasting. It's about time someone steps up. Almost every podcast is either someone completely unqualified to entertain, either by diversity or joe rogan cult ties.

Theo Von is a boring hayseed. His good natured wide-eyedness is tiresome, WHY does radio have to be NICE???
Tim Dillon is gay AND fat, which ultimately makes him unreliable and irritating in regular doses.
Luis J Gomez is one of the few I have respect for, but I'm not listening to his show. He shows zero respect for his listeners time by co-hosting with fatfuck.

I give a tip of the hat today to Red Bar for trying, but he makes it difficult to get into.