WWAW Hazbin Hotel?

Cartoon Redux

Imagine still trusting Snopes in 2024 and calling other people retards
"FALSE. Dan Schneider may have forced kids to give him massages and show him their feet, but we don't have conclusive evidence that he actually fucked kids even though that's a completely logical inference from his known behavior and follows established patterns of abuse and predatory behavior! DEBOONKED!"


"And young. So young."
"FALSE. Dan Schneider may have forced kids to give him massages and show him their feet, but we don't have conclusive evidence that he actually fucked kids even though that's a completely logical inference from his known behavior and follows established patterns of abuse and predatory behavior! DEBOONKED!"
And it's completely understandable and natural for a middle aged man to have closed door, private one on one "creative collaboration" sessions with a 10 year old girl. We're the bad ones for reading into that.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
"FALSE. Dan Schneider may have forced kids to give him massages and show him their feet, but we don't have conclusive evidence that he actually fucked kids even though that's a completely logical inference from his known behavior and follows established patterns of abuse and predatory behavior! DEBOONKED!"
That is what I hated most about the documentary. They want to show all the bad shit he did, but refuse to even investigate that he was fucking kids and even kind of defend him by leaving in the clip of Drake Bell saying Dan was the one person who looked out for him. No problem with asserting he was a RACIST without any real evidence, but saying he might have been fucking kids while surrounding himself with pedo's is a bridge too far!

Carol's Stink Blaster

Poot poot poot poot
"FALSE. Dan Schneider may have forced kids to give him massages and show him their feet, but we don't have conclusive evidence that he actually fucked kids even though that's a completely logical inference from his known behavior and follows established patterns of abuse and predatory behavior! DEBOONKED!"
It's the next level after "virtuous pedophile". Sure he tickled their feet and jacked off to the thought later, but he never fucked any of them!


You are not creative, nor destructive. I am both.
0 ribs, 0 Holee shits, 0 colins

@Stent @Phish @chocolatehellhole @Rodeo Clown can one of you please move this to Qadan's?
I can move one post at a time, I don't know how to select all posts.
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