WWAW cart narcs?


Blackface Killah
Down in FLA I'd never return carts. It's like 100° at 100% humidity down there - someone else can sweat it out. Plus it always seemed like I was parked a quarter mile from the closest cart pen down there. Ever since I moved to New England, I return carts, though. It's not sweltering hot and where I live isn't frustratingly overpopulated, so it's no big deal now.

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter


I have literally never seen someone not return a cart but then again, I'm not American. We know how to behave.
The only person I've seen not return one was a typical BOOMER taking up oxygen and life's parking spot. I was getting all heated up watching him leave his cart off to the side but got so happy when a man drove by and yelled something like, "You forgot something!" to him. The boomer raised his arms all defiantly and kept walking to his car. I never wanted to inflict violence with a tire iron so badly in that moment. Hopefully, he's dead from all his boosters.