WWAW Breuer being the opening act at Christian Nationalist rallies?


Fuck you Steve
I don’t understand why anyone on the left is upset with this, it’s not like it’s some huge major show. It looks like it’s a Christian version of gathering of the juggalos. The left seems to have an issue that if they don’t like something they think nobody should like it AND it must be cancelled / shut down instead of just not watching it. I like Breuer, thought he was great with voices and some stories, but the dad rock thing was really embarrassing and he seems to have lost it over the past couple years (lot seems to be due to his wife being sick) but plenty of older comics like him have fallen and become weird as they get older trying to stay current in a profession that has really gone to shit over the past couple years.

I used to love stand up, watched tons of it, went to stand up shows, saw big names , etc. but it’s become so shitty lately I now can’t stand it. Now you’re only allowed to make safe approved jokes about certain groups and subjects and you have to do the same thing as everyone else. Norm was getting shit near the end because he WOULDNT do hack trump jokes like everyone else and was being called everything from a MAGA comedian (he stayed away from politics) to a Christian comedian (again, stayed away from politics) as a way to shit on him for doing his own thing that he always did instead of doing what everyone else was doing. Norm was a massive loss to comedy because he didn’t give a shit about what was trendy and did his own thing.

lol writing this big long post to just tell us you kind of support what hes saying. You suck fucking ass and so does Florentine. "Waaah Wahhhh."

Who the fuck cares about how you watched a lot of comedy... What are you some sort of fucking scholar on it... We didn't need your resume to know your shit ass opinion...

Cry more about the left or whatever the fuck you wanna bitch about but acting like you are some expert on comedy and trying to invoke Norm... Fuck you, fuck the left, fuck the right, fuck Norm too and feed Nana too.

and an edit:
Fuck steve hofstetter.


I like how the second any z-list retard gets BASED, all of these freaks have to support them out of necessity. I wanna meet one motherfucker who watched this and had one single genuine( :image_9248: ) laugh of of it.
I mean I think it’s funny how he fell and made fun of some nigger having a heart attack