WWAW Better Call Saul coming out again this coming monday?



I sat there watching it thinking "there's no way that's all there is to it" and then Gus leaves. Not at all unnecessary wankery or anything! I know the age thing has been mentioned ad nauseum, but holy shit does Don Eladio look ancient. Doesn't even look like the same guy. Sure is riveting to watch absolutely nothing happen for an entire episode, then have five minutes of stuff that everyone knew was coming.

Edit: you'll never guess what internet fags thought of the wine scene...
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Next level maan :brothaman_sm:


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
This show has gone beyond just being boring and ponderous at this point and is actually bad now - bad writing, bad acting, no tension - there's fucking nothing of interest going on anymore. Even characters that were great in Breaking Bad like Mike and Gus are total fucking bores in this show.

You can tell the actors are all just phoning in it but to be fair to them, they have nothing to work with because none of it makes any sense anymore. They're going round in circles, covering shit that was done way better in Breaking Bad. What was the point in the Don Eladio, Hector scene with Gus? There was zero tension there at all, just like every goddam scene with gus in this show because guess what - everyone fucking knows he lives. The whole wine scene was fucking unbearable and just weird too.

And top it all off - Kim just disappears now after 6 fucking seasons and Jimmy magically becomes Saul when she leaves?? 4 episodes. 4 episodes they've got to wrap this shit up hahaha Garbage. Fucking pretentious shite is all this show is.



This show has gone beyond just being boring and ponderous at this point and is actually bad now - bad writing, bad acting, no tension - there's fucking nothing of interest going on anymore. Even characters that were great in Breaking Bad like Mike and Gus are total fucking bores in this show.

You can tell the actors are all just phoning in it but to be fair to them, they have nothing to work with because none of it makes any sense anymore. They're going round in circles, covering shit that was done way better in Breaking Bad. What was the point in the Don Eladio, Hector scene with Gus? There was zero tension there at all, just like every goddam scene with gus in this show because guess what - everyone fucking knows he lives. The whole wine scene was fucking unbearable and just weird too.

And top it all off - Kim just disappears now after 6 fucking seasons and Jimmy magically becomes Saul when she leaves?? 4 episodes. 4 episodes they've got to wrap this shit up hahaha Garbage. Fucking pretentious shite is all this show is.

Mike went from cool mysterious ex military/cop guy to a 20 minute long sequence of him sneaking so he could talk to his granddaughter about astronomy


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Mike went from cool mysterious ex military/cop guy to a 20 minute long sequence of him sneaking so he could talk to his granddaughter about astronomy

Ah yes, the granddaughter who is the exact same age in this show as she was in breaking bad, just played by a different kid. That's not lazy as fuck at all. I guess it was vital for her to be in BCS though. It's not they established he was close with her in BB, so it was definitely necessary to hammer that point home in this show.


Ah yes, the granddaughter who is the exact same age in this show as she was in breaking bad, just played by a different kid. That's not lazy as fuck at all. I guess it was vital for her to be in BCS though. It's not they established he was close with her in BB, so it was definitely necessary to hammer that point home in this show.
Remember when the daughter in law thought the house was getting shot up? So he waited alllll night and realized it was the newspapers being thrown. I couldn’t sleep for a few nights after that stresser of a plot line


Still spreading the O&A virus
The one thing that the entire show was building up to. Jimmy becoming Saul. Was skipped over. So we could have fifteen minutes of montages to music and Gus flirting with the idea of having an AIDS scare with some random waiter. Show more ants crawling over ice cream for five straight minutes. The entire point of the show was literally ignored. Keep in mind that Kim was supposed to be written off of the show in season one. So they are not even writing the original BCS story anymore.

Look at Whitecaps on The Sopranos. When Tony drives over his golf clubs. Carmela throwing his clothes all over the house. The huge arguments and blowups about affairs. "I found her fingernail Tony". The later fight about Furio and other communication issues in their marriage. "He made me feel like I mattered". That was a real breakup moment. Or the even darker breakup of Christopher and Adriana where he sets her up to murdered. That was incredible writing.

This show is basically all hype at this point.


The one thing that the entire show was building up to. Jimmy becoming Saul. Was skipped over. So we could have fifteen minutes of montages to music and Gus flirting with the idea of having an AIDS scare with some random waiter. Show more ants crawling over ice cream for five straight minutes. The entire point of the show was literally ignored. Keep in mind that Kim was supposed to be written off of the show in season one. So they are not even writing the original BCS story anymore.

Look at Whitecaps on The Sopranos. When Tony drives over his golf clubs. Carmela throwing his clothes all over the house. The huge arguments and blowups about affairs. "I found her fingernail Tony". The later fight about Furio and other communication issues in their marriage. "He made me feel like I mattered". That was a real breakup moment. Or the even darker breakup of Christopher and Adriana where he sets her up to murdered. That was incredible writing.

This show is basically all hype at this point.
I didnt realize she was supposed to be written off. Fuck is it cringy how involved she gets in the pranks. Saul is like ah shit we cant do it today his arms broken and shes like “No…it happens today” and whips her car around.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Keep in mind that Kim was supposed to be written off of the show in season one. So they are not even writing the original BCS story anymore.

Jesse, Mike and Saul were all supposed to be 1 season/episode characters in Breaking Bad too, so I wouldn't hold that against the writers. The main issue is she's a boring fuck of a character and always has been. As other people have pointed out many times also - it's incredibly cringe how she's presented as this spunky powerful young go-getting lawyer when the cunt is 50.

Look at Whitecaps on The Sopranos. When Tony drives over his golf clubs. Carmela throwing his clothes all over the house. The huge arguments and blowups about affairs. "I found her fingernail Tony". The later fight about Furio and other communication issues in their marriage. "He made me feel like I mattered". That was a real breakup moment. Or the even darker breakup of Christopher and Adriana where he sets her up to murdered. That was incredible writing.

The acting in that breakup scene is some of the worst I've seen in a show that's as hyped as this.
This week's episode had one of the gayest moments in television history. The twink cowboys in Brokeback Mountain ramming each other was less faggy. Gus going to a restaurant and having wine and flirting with some queer waiter was beyond pointless. Contrast that to the scene where Tony makes the guy remove his hat in the restaurant. Or where Christopher and Paulie murder a waiter over a $12 tip.

And the twins, Hector, Eladio, and Bolsa all accepting Gus's explanation about Lalo being dead was beyond dumb. And Lalo choosing to call the most retarded person in his family who can only communicate with a bell was stupid. Lalo should have called Bolsa or the twin brothers. That would have ended Gus immediately. Instead he calls a vegetable in a shopping cart who can only wave his arms like a spastic. If Lalo called anyone else he would still be alive today. But this show has characters behave like complete idiots just to set up big moments so fans can make react videos like mouthbreathing dorks.

Cyril's puppet in OZ was hilarious. Dude was like a serial killer who could end your life in a boxing ring. But had the mental state of a little kid.

The kills in OZ are supposed to be funny. Beecher also beat Schillinger into a coma and shit on his head. Everything is over the top to get a laugh out of people. Like the fact that people take the razor fingernails seriously shows that OZ goes above the heads of too many people. You are supposed to be laughing at the stupidity of the writing. It is parody. Pills that age you faster. It is dark comedy.
Oh, I greatly enjoyed "Oz", even when it was totally ridiculous. Like Robeson and the nigger gums, or Vern's daughter-in-law delivering a darkie baby named "Jewel" or how every "guest inmate" died almost immediately. Even the terrible parts were usually LOL funny.


Still spreading the O&A virus
They dont feel like a real couple.
They have no chemistry and they play a young couple in their late 20s or early 30s. Yet the actor and actress look in their 50s in a lot of shots. And they hardly do anything together and have no kids because having kids would mess up the Breaking Bad timeline. So all they can do is just first date stuff over and over again. Or legal scams.

Take a look at how many things you see Tony and Carmela do over the course of the Sopranos. Dinners, dates, arguments over finances, him taking the Italy trip, her taking the France trip, attending stuff for AJ or Meadow, therapy together. Or even Adriana and Christopher. Even Artie and Charmaine have more of a story than Jimmy and Kim. But part of this actually works for Better Call Saul because they feel more like partners in crime than a couple. Their only chemistry is when they commit crimes together. So Kim was right in that their entire relationship is just built around fucking other people over with scams.

But it does not work when they break up and Jimmy is having a breakdown. Over a woman that he never did anything with and had zero chemistry with. And had no relationship with outside of legal scams. Her reaction sort of made sense in that she realizes their relationship only consists of breaking the law.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
A fucking time skip. I still cant believe it.
It’s hilarious. It’s so satisfying to see all the pretentious Reddit fags trying to justify 6 seasons of slow burn just for Kim to be Poochie’d out of the show and a time skip for Jimmy to become Saul.

Btw I’m not sure if anyone picked up on it but in that last scene where Saul was on the phone saying ‘not another public masturbator’ - this is almost certainly referencing his first scene in Breaking Bad where he shows up to defend Badger. So likely the next 4 episodes are going to be retreading scenes he was in in BB mixed with trying to awkwardly cram in all the present day Cinnabon stuff (which they clearly gave up on seasons ago and have no idea what to do with).

I’m watching this purely out of morbid curiosity for how bad it can get at this point. I’m certain it’s gonna be worse than the last season of GoT.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Can't wait to see 87 year old Walt and fat Jesse next week.

Seeing 40 year old Aaron Paul trying to play early seasons Jesse in El Camino was so embarrassing, not to mention fucking Walt with the giant lightbulb head with that awful bald cap. I can only imagine how bad their cameos in BCS are going to be. It'll probably be some of the best unintentional comedy there is.
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