WWAW Better Call Saul coming out again this coming monday?

This season peak at episode 3 with Nacho's stoyline coming to an end. It has been going downhill ever since. The only interesting thing that happened since was when Lalo showed up and shot Howard. Everything after Lalo died has been completely shit but with two episodes left I might as well continue this shit to not feel I have wasted my time too much.


Still spreading the O&A virus
* The dialogue is terrible. Whoever wrote that scene with the pot smoking tenants makes Pat look like he's got an ear for dialogue.
Not only was the dialogue awful. But it went on way too long. We get it. They smoke pot and are stupid. But every aspect of that entire scene was awfully written. Somehow Saul managed to hide $100K in a storm drain when he was on the run. Or he returned to ABQ when he is being watched out for by the DEA and FBI and police and hid it then. When did he hide this money exactly? They are just throwing in these moments on the show with no explanation now. How did Jimmy become Saul? Who cares, just timeskip? What did Jimmy say on the phone to Kim in the phonebooth? Who cares just mute the dialog?! And why did Jimmy not drain all of his bank accounts before going on the run? Who cares, no explanation given?! What happens if those payphones are taken out of service? What happens if some trash cleanup crew pull the string in the dirt?
* That transition from the grave shot to Gene lying in bed was the most prententious shot of the season.
It was a ripoff of Sopranos where Tony is lying in bed in season six, after Bobby got shot, and wakes up in the same position that he was in after Uncle Junior shot him in the stomach. Nothing in this show is original.
Forgetting about how fucking old everyone looked for a second though, what was the point of that scene? It added literally nothing to either show. Same thing with Mike in Saul's office later in the episode. The whole thing is just such a muddled mess at this point.
The cameos are just so Breaking Bad fans can jackoff on reddit and twitter about how excited they were to see Walt and Jesse. So they can ignore how the last two episodes literally accomplished nothing that could have been done in five minutes of screentime.

Also Jesse not knowing about Lalo makes no sense. EVERY single criminal that visited Saul did that they did it because "he was Lalo's guy". Also Jesse knows the Salamancas. And knows people who worked with Nacho and Lalo. Just more shit writing. Saul's entire reputation is built on representing Lalo. Now it is some secret?
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my little babies are gone
Looking forward to the Kim Wexler spin-off starting with her side of the phone call to Jimmy. Silence. Long lingering shot of the phone booth. Dust blowing in the wind. A bird lands on it. Flies away. Jimmy walks up and touches the receiver. Cut to black. Fade in music. Title shot: "Wexler". Reddit jizzes itself to death.

Actually, they'd tease it at the start of several seasons and jam it into the final episode when she looks 60.


It was so shit. No point to any of the breaking bad scenes. The scene with Mike and Saul in the office did anyone else notice how Mike couldnt be fucked playing off bob odenkirk? He was just standing there like "lets get this embarassing shit over with...". I dont think it was his character, it was his actor. He put no effort in and was done.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
I like how Brian Cranston and Arron Paul totally forgot how to be Jesse and Walt

also they were phoning in the scene so hard you would forget that Saul has been kidnapped, there is no sense of tension whatsoever

then Saul just casually walks around the kidnapper meth dealer dude's RV touching their meth equipment

shouldn't he be shitting himself still?

It was really weird


The floor is lava, dude.
Are you assholes serious? The last few episodes have been great. I get that we don't have Lalo cartel capeshit with 420 no scoping people anymore, but this is back to basics for the series. Just simple character focus with classic meticulous schemes. This is Jimmy car crashing into his final destination and it vindicates 6 seasons of slow build-up.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
Are you assholes serious? The last few episodes have been great. I get that we don't have Lalo cartel capeshit with 420 no scoping people anymore, but this is back to basics for the series. Just simple character focus with classic meticulous schemes. This is Jimmy car crashing into his final destination and it vindicates 6 seasons of slow build-up.

Jimmy’s “meticulous scheme” is what strippers do

Getting rich people drunk and stealing their wallet

Wow, how meticulous


Still spreading the O&A virus
Are you assholes serious? The last few episodes have been great. I get that we don't have Lalo cartel capeshit with 420 no scoping people anymore, but this is back to basics for the series. Just simple character focus with classic meticulous schemes. This is Jimmy car crashing into his final destination and it vindicates 6 seasons of slow build-up.
Breaking Bad began with murders and explosions. Walt and Jesse are killing people after their first cook already. They are literally killing people after making one batch of meth and turning Jesse's house into a murder scene. Literally every single season of Breaking Bad was about cartel violence. Walt was involved with the Salamancas from the first season. Then Gus. Then the Nazis.

Better Call Saul begins with Jimmy already being a seasoned criminal and lawyer and working violent scams and getting involved with the cartel in the first episode. He is already a known con artist and has his law degree. There is no slow build up. The first things we see him get involved in are scams with the wimpy skateboarder twins, and the cartels, and trying to represent known guilty criminals the Kettlemans. He is literally working with Nacho and the cartels from the start of the show right up until the end of Breaking Bad.

The basics of these series have always been quick plots. And drug cartels. Not some ancient decrepit Cinnabon manager making moves like breaking and entering into random houses at night when he is FBI's most wanted. Show is garbage now. It peaked with Chuck's death.


The floor is lava, dude.
Jimmy’s “meticulous scheme” is what strippers do

Getting rich people drunk and stealing their wallet

Wow, how meticulous
What exactly are you expecting out of a "con scheme"? Also, nice way to try to boil down my argument into "Well, he's just stealing wallets!". I didn't realise that socially manipulating them, drugging them through a cab driver surrogate, and then copying all their bank account numbers, information, etc in their houses is as simple as some darkie snatching some asian lady's wallet off the subway. Well done.


The floor is lava, dude.
Breaking Bad began with murders and explosions. Walt and Jesse are killing people after their first cook already. They are literally killing people after making one batch of meth and turning Jesse's house into a murder scene. Literally every single season of Breaking Bad was about cartel violence. Walt was involved with the Salamancas from the first season. Then Gus. Then the Nazis.

Better Call Saul begins with Jimmy already being a seasoned criminal and lawyer and working violent scams and getting involved with the cartel in the first episode. He is already a known con artist and has his law degree. There is no slow build up. The first things we see him get involved in are scams with the wimpy skateboarder twins, and the cartels, and trying to represent known guilty criminals the Kettlemans. He is literally working with Nacho and the cartels from the start of the show right up until the end of Breaking Bad.

The basics of these series have always been quick plots. And drug cartels. Not some ancient decrepit Cinnabon manager making moves like breaking and entering into random houses at night when he is FBI's most wanted. Show is garbage now. It peaked with Chuck's death.
No, Jimmy didn't start off as a "seasoned criminal" at the beginning of the series. It was a "Slipping Jimmy" scam, no doubt, but it's nothing compared to the shit he's pulled as the Saul Goodman persona. It's basically the whole point of the show - Jimmy starts off with a scam that he thinks is innocent enough and won't hurt people and surprise fucking surprise people end up getting hurt through collateral damage and even getting killed. He also turned down Nacho's offer to steal the Kettleman money and even TURNED the money in because he wanted to do "the right thing". It's only after his brother's deep seated resentments create a fissure between the two is when he starts slipping more into moral depravity. I think you should re-watch the show, because you don't seem to have a good memory of the earlier seasons.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
But every aspect of that entire scene was awfully written. Somehow Saul managed to hide $100K in a storm drain when he was on the run.

Speaking of that, I fucking hate how they've made this charismaless frump into a main character this season..



Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
It was so shit. No point to any of the breaking bad scenes. The scene with Mike and Saul in the office did anyone else notice how Mike couldnt be fucked playing off bob odenkirk? He was just standing there like "lets get this embarassing shit over with...". I dont think it was his character, it was his actor. He put no effort in and was done.

I've noticed that about Mike and Gus particularly for this past season. There's zero energy in their performances. You could argue it's because they're pretty old now but I don't think it's that. Veteran actors like them must know the writing is absolute garbage and there's no point to any of it, so they just phone it in.

I like how Gus' involvement in this series ended with him fagging it up in a bar too. Wow, what a compelling way to leave that character. I still haven't heard a single good argument for why he had to be part of BCS in the first place.


Crumbly feta is not God's Plan
I like how Gus' involvement in this series ended with him fagging it up in a bar too. Wow, what a compelling way to leave that character. I still haven't heard a single good argument for why he had to be part of BCS in the first place.
Imo Gus is there more to flesh out Mike's story than as a focus of his own. Gus has his storyline and moments but the non-Saul side on BCS is more about Mike.