WWAW Better Call Saul coming out again this coming monday?

The Fuchitive

Still alive as of January 2024
3rd from the last episode of the series, 9001 unanswered questions and we’re still moving at a snail’s pace. Bravo Vince!

But hey, at least we got those cameos that added absolutely nothing to the story! Who woulda thunk they were just gonna do alternate takes of scenes from the old show purely for fan service?


Aaron Paul looks like a completely different person, and hearing him overdoing the Jesse voice was very gay. @LingerLonger can do a much better job of breaking down all the stupid shit in this episode, so I'll only mention a couple things. I laughed when Jimmy was outside "Big Pat's," although that had nothing to do with the show. I'm assuming the shocking revelation that Mike didn't like Walter is what the writers meant when they said these episodes would make us see Breaking Bad differently. What a payoff!

I've come around on the meandering bullshit and decided that what I want more than anything is for nothing to be answered or resolved. Let them have two more episodes of nothing happening as a big "fuck you" to everyone watching, and then watch Redditors fall all over themselves to pretend it was a stroke of genius.


my little babies are gone



★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Well that was even worse than I thought. I thought we were done with the B&W, but they obviously thought last week's episode needed to be dragged out a little more. The cameos were worthless and added nothing.

* The dialogue is terrible. Whoever wrote that scene with the pot smoking tenants makes Pat look like he's got an ear for dialogue.

* Walt looks old but you could retcon that as he was going through cancer treatment and looked better when he recovered and was being successful in his business (symbolism or something).

* Jesse is so fat around the face it's like he's a different person.

* The RV failing to start is like a metaphor for this show. There's fuel in the tank, it just never gets going.

* That transition from the grave shot to Gene lying in bed was the most prententious shot of the season.


Well that was even worse than I thought. I thought we were done with the B&W, but they obviously thought last week's episode needed to be dragged out a little more. The cameos were worthless and added nothing.

* The dialogue is terrible. Whoever wrote that scene with the pot smoking tenants makes Pat look like he's got an ear for dialogue.

* Walt looks old but you could retcon that as he was going through cancer treatment and looked better when he recovered and was being successful in his business (symbolism or something).

* Jesse is so fat around the face it's like he's a different person.

* The RV failing to start is like a metaphor for this show. There's fuel in the tank, it just never gets going.

* That transition from the grave shot to Gene lying in bed was the most prententious shot of the season.
"There seeds and stems in here"
Very realistic! I was trying to think of one scenario in many years of smoking weed where I'd be jamming seeds (remember those?) and stems down a sink. I could only come up with some contrived, over-the-top wacky bullshit...




Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Aaron Paul looks like a completely different person,

I'm not even joking, in that first scene where he appeared, my brain didn't even register that it was supposed to be Jesse. It confused me because I knew what scene that was from Breaking Bad but it looked like a whole other character. Look at this shit...


Forgetting about how fucking old everyone looked for a second though, what was the point of that scene? It added literally nothing to either show. Same thing with Mike in Saul's office later in the episode. The whole thing is just such a muddled mess at this point.


yep yep yep yep yep
I'm not even joking, in that first scene where he appeared, my brain didn't even register that it was supposed to be Jesse. It confused me because I knew what scene that was from Breaking Bad but it looked like a whole other character. Look at this shit...


Forgetting about how fucking old everyone looked for a second though, what was the point of that scene? It added literally nothing to either show. Same thing with Mike in Saul's office later in the episode. The whole thing is just such a muddled mess at this point.
i thought the the taxi driver from 2 episodes ago was the aaron paul cause he was doing yo yo wigger thing
The whole show is just so fucking boring. The whole concept of how he became a sleazy lawyer isn't that interesting. Saul post Walt dying could be kinda interesting but they have made it dull as fuck. We didn't get to hear the phone call with Kim either. The one half interesting moment.

And maybe I am dumb but what did the cameo add? It's just all time killing. 6 or so years of it.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
The whole concept of how he became a sleazy lawyer isn't that interesting.

That's been the problem with it right from the start - it began from a weak premise. They clearly never had faith in it either, hence Mike being 50% of the show from the beginning and then shoehorning all the Breaking Bad fan service in, that's just gotten worse and worse with every season. Remember when they dedicated an entire fucking season to showing how Gus' lab was built. What was ever the point of Gus in this show anyway? None of the stuff related to him had any kind of tension or pay off.

We didn't get to hear the phone call with Kim either. The one half interesting moment.

Exactly. Fucking muffled shouting and then slamming the phone a bunch of times. How is that good writing? It's just fucking lazy.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
What the fuck were the point of these episodes after the time transition

I love how it took the show 6 seasons to finally get to the point where Jimmy becomes the Saul in Breaking Bad and you don't even see it. Just awkwardly time skips and you're supposed to accept the logic of Kim leaving him = he morphs into Saul.

Now it just awkwardly switches between the Gene and Saul scenes and none of it makes any sense. Why the fuck did it have to take until season 6 to start seeing any of the Gene episodes anyway?

They could've actually made this a decent show if they'd just wrapped all the Chuck/Howard/Kim stuff up in a couple of seasons, not bothered with all the Gus and Breaking Bad fan service and then switched to present day Gene stuff for the final season and actually took their time with it. Instead they're awkwardly trying to cram all the present day stuff into the last 4 episodes and it just doesn't work.
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Why would Saul immediately know Walter was Heisenberg and cooked the blue meth? He must have read the script in advance.

Here's the scene if anyone cares.

i couldnt even get through that one scene without hitting the skip 15 seconds button. Im not going to bother catching up on the black and white episode forward, ill just get my details from here lol, i cant be bothered to finish it.

Edit: wow. I just realized I didnt watch episode 8 where Lalo is killed..i started back up with episode 9 where the beginning of it is them cleaning the apartment
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