Woke Tranny Millennial Nonsense

You wouldn't get away with this now!

Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) - IMDb


The ONLY station that REALLY ROCKS!
There's literally an action dyke painted brown and called "Vasquez in it. BASED Boys would scream themselves into aneurysms if anyone tried that shit.

View attachment 194308

MAYBE not if they actually did with with a Jew in brownface, they might appreciate that in le current year. But done with an actual beaner broad and they'd rage a fuckin fatwah over it.
To be fair, Vasquez always sucked and was the worst part of that shitty movie.


Give Me Some Money
I just watched the episode of Nip Tuck where Matt took home a tranny to fuck but ended up beating the shit out of her because she wasn't post-op. So then she gets a bunch of her transsexual friends to track him down so they beat the shit out of him and then piss on him.
This Dovid guy seems like a real creep. Obsessed with transgenders and was best pals with a statutory rapist. Not a good look.

How dare you talk to me like that. What are you, gay or something? You want to lick precum of my cock like a lollipop? Listen here you hot guy with probably a big dick, I will fuck and kiss you. WELL. OK PAL? So keep it up tough guy, with your hot man body and cum. Cum.


Boq sucks coq
How many of you are leaking precum thinking about gay creampies? This mans head went straight to eating another guys cum.
You bragged on this forum about how you got to fuck the slags when cumia was done with them.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed yet but theres a lot of “straight” men on here who think about men in dresses and how fucking them isn’t gay if they look girlish enough.
You larp as a tranny porn star and try sucking up to a guy who was best friends with a pedophile.