Woke Tranny Millennial Nonsense

These are the same people that get triggered by female leads; pretty sure of "Alien" came out today, Gavin and Nana would call it "woke"
There's literally an action dyke painted brown and called "Vasquez in it. BASED Boys would scream themselves into aneurysms if anyone tried that shit.


MAYBE not if they actually did with with a Jew in brownface, they might appreciate that in le current year. But done with an actual beaner broad and they'd rage a fuckin fatwah over it.
Yeah, since the 2010s every freak on Earth has used being transgender as a way to escape themselves, and since nobody can say "no, you aren't really this", it's running rampant, and now everybody hates them, when it was a minority of a minority for most of human history. I knew this Danny. Weird how you didn't mention trannies being spergs about drag queens doing "trans blackface" when posting Wong Foo, as if you're a faggot that even likes that movie.

Didn't even post the Warhol tranny movies or Rocky Horror. White Chicks? Really? That's the best you got for examples? The Wayans put tranny jokes in the Scary Movie films. Would they be able to do that now without it being considered hate speech? You posted Glen or Glenda too, really nigga? PULL DA STRING! Yeah, really serious film about the transgender experience. Not 1950s drive in movie exploitation schlock.