Will Pat have a victory lap?

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Probably because everyone close to him has told him to stop acting like a child for his entire life and it really gets to him. So he thinks it works on other people. All it does is weird other people out and make them think he is some kiddie diddler. Its the exact opposite of " actual tough guy" that he wants people to see him as.


Self Styled Brothaman
Probably because everyone close to him has told him to stop acting like a child for his entire life and it really gets to him. So he thinks it works on other people. All it does is weird other people out and make them think he is some kiddie diddler. Its the exact opposite of " actual tough guy" that he wants people to see him as.
That's mommy's voice in his head

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Looks like pat lost that interaction. Probably blocked him to pretend it never happened. He ran to another topic to LARP that he knows what he is talking about. It really is amazing the amount mental gymnastics he has to do just to keep himself from breaking things and yelling. Its really no surprise why doesnt have any actual friends that he hangs out with regularly. Nobody wants to be around him. Even his wife spends most of her time in the other room.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
He is still arguing in that thread

18 hour old comment he responds to. He is drunk and looking for an argument. Funny thing is that he starts up the pissing match again but adds nothing. What is even the point if all you have is " Nuh uh". I dont know if Ive ever seen pat handle his own in an argument. He abandons his argument almost immediately and just sticks his fingers in his ears and closes his eyes.
