Will Pat have a victory lap?


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
I just Googled if anyone has been charged with lying on a gun permit form


Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Did Don Jr dispose of his gun in a trash can and the pouch it was in have cocaine residue? Is there video evidence of Don Jr snorting lines? Can that video be dated to when he bought the gun? Gee I wonder whats the difference between these two cases. Maybe EVIDENCE?

More whataboutism. He cant help but being a crybaby rat. " He did it too!"

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Again he’s just freaking the fuck out because all he can think about is the (extremely minor) chance this impacts the election. Stop thinking like its a fucking sports team stupid
Nether of these convictions are going to shake up the voters and make them change sides. This is pats political version of complaining about the refs throwing the game.

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile
What normal people are like
Oh Hunter fucked up, and faces 25 years in jail and president won’t pardon him. Ok normal shit. Two presidential candidates with dipshit fucking kids.

Patrick…how this is gonna affect Biden! His son’s a criminal!

Wanna know how little Pat’s opinion matters, look at his engagement is, half hour and maybe 15 likes and most are probably bots.

Pat thrives for the likes

Yes I’m the token Liberal around these parts, but I fucking hate this pig more and more.


Stand Alone Fruit
Did Don Jr dispose of his gun in a trash can and the pouch it was in have cocaine residue? Is there video evidence of Don Jr snorting lines? Can that video be dated to when he bought the gun? Gee I wonder whats the difference between these two cases. Maybe EVIDENCE?
Pat has never even been near anyone doing coke. He thinks people do coke and acid at the same time.

Sue Lightning

Pat has never even been near anyone doing coke. He thinks people do coke and acid at the same time.
He’s one of those green motherfuckers who thinks acid makes you see pink elephants. Pat is probably a good example of why most people should smoke weed once. Otherwise you become a square douchebag who doesnt know what shit does and you think its so badass and rebellious.


Joe will make him sit in prison if he thinks it’ll help his reelection.

For some reason, Hunter did (does?) all his illegal shit on the record. Texts people about illegal shit. Drops the names of the people he’s doing illegal shit with. Takes pics of himself doing illegal shit. Wrote a book that talks about him doing illegal shit with dates and everything.

Really sloppy stuff, Hunter. I can see why his dad is saying fuck it - he’s not worth saving anyway.