It's worse than that. It breeds more of these bitter forum heel faggots that clog the place up with their impotent angry shit that ends up with them making some embarrassing statement they have to change their name or delete their account over. Everyone now wants to create their own user lolcow and bully them. None of them are in the slightest bit amusing.
If this is how you want to spend your days, then vaya con fucking dios. The funniest possible outcome of this thread is that Bacon goes away and meets a girl retard and they create a retard baby that ultimately gets lost in the park (or most likely at Sunday mass because they do that now) and when they try to tell the Police about it they look into Bacons internet history and see that he's accused every motherfucker on the internet of being a pedo along with praising Jesus and painting Warhammer dolls so no one believes him when he protests it was JebJoh. There's a big multi year trial that costs the taxpayer millions and then Bacon goes to jail for murdering his own child and right after he hangs himself 7 years in to the sentence and the last appeal has gone south, JebJoh is caught and confesses to the whole thing.
but the reality is just going to be a 9 page stalemate. Pass
Good story, but I am just amused by a middle aged incel who whines on the internet that he can't afford a house or find a woman. Especially this one.