White wahmen hate thread


I caught this Netflix documentary called Escaping Twin Flames, in which a guy starts a cult/MLM scheme promising to help members find their one true loves in life (their "twin flame"). The problem with his business model is of course only women fall for cults, so they can't exactly pair all of their members off as romantic matches. So the solution is to tell 50% of these dumb white women that they are in fact men, and match them up with the other 50% of members. These chosen women promptly become trannies because the cult leader told them that's the one true path to eternal happiness.

I don't have anything else, just watch that film if you ever find yourself doubting this thread.


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.

I hate this “roast” so much because none of this applies. She has life on easy mode with no hardships. “Settling down”… like there wouldn’t be guys lined up down the block to worship her. 80% of women are obese and 50% are morbidly obese.

Men would throw every cent they have & work 100 hours of overtime a week for a thin blonde white woman with a decent haircut that’ll give them a fucking hug.


Keyboard Warrior
I hate this “roast” so much because none of this applies. She has life on easy mode with no hardships. “Settling down”… like there wouldn’t be guys lined up down the block to worship her. 80% of women are obese and 50% are morbidly obese.

Men would throw every cent they have & work 100 hours of overtime a week for a thin blonde white woman with a decent haircut that’ll give them a fucking hug.
Disagree but I do like your username.


With Osteoporosis.
I can't speak for others but a while back I used to have "crippling anxiety" I guess. If I was outside and just saw someone I would start sweating, I wouldn't check my mail cause the thought of getting a letter would make me want to throw up, if I heard someone walking the stairs outside my apartment I would get a mini heart attack thinking they would ring my doorbell. I'm a lot better now but I still have remnants of that shit inside me. I do think that a lot of others play it up, but it does exist.
The tranny cartoon escapist has crippling anxiety from seeing strangers on the street? Shocking stuff.