What kind of pizza toppings do you fellas go for?



Ive got a pizza oven so when i cook a pizza its been mostly italian sausage, or bacon mushroom and onion, though I'll throw in a pumpkin and fetta pizza once in a while if I'm making one with a woman whose genitals I want to explore with my penis if you catch my drift.
A gal you want to do sex with if I'm hearing you right?

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Sort of like gay sex or working with children, pineapple on pizza is just one of those things I know I will never try because I'm positive I won't like it.
I honestly dont care either way. Some people hate it. I hate sardines so I guess I can see the repulsion if you hate it that much.


I say FUCK you, Jobu.
I don't dislike green peppers but I always end up picking a bunch of them off so I don't get them. I like all the meat, including anchovies, which isn't even an option most places around here. Every pizza needs green olives. NOT nigger olives. Feta cheese is bomb on a pizza. Pineapple on pizza isnt even bad it's just always struck me as fag shit. I'd say pepperoni, bacon, mushrooms, onions, olives, feta.