What is your favorite and least favorite bodily function?


It died on the vine
Best (that hasn't already been mentioned) waking up after being sick for a few days and knowing that you are over it and feeling better. The full breathing, no fever feeling.

Worst: Everything your dumb body does to protect itself while sick.


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@chocolatehellhole's favorite bodily function:

-eating shit
I prefer shitting into mouths that deserve it


Farts are awesome because they often provide relief and can often make you laugh. Even your own can make you laugh when you're by yourself.

I'll never forget I was dating some Salvadoran chick in my 20s and we were in bed and she gave me a nudge and asked if I was awake and I let loose what sounded like a foghorn being launched into the air. She laughed and it made me laugh. It didn't smell or anything. Probably the best timed fart I ever pulled off.