Can someone explain to me (retarded, asperger's, down syndrome, tiny penis) why they continue to hold the show then? They do this with a lot of garbage too. Yeah, maybe it doesn't cost too much to upkeep, but certainly the opportunity cost of not having something popular in that slot/channel would be reason to can it? It's been around for half a decade and no one's listening.
Number one is that Sirius is a dying company. Their subscriber numbers are total horseshit. They count pretty much anyone who owns a radio at this point as a subscriber. Like if a guy was a sub five years ago, and Sirius calls him once a year to ask him to resub, and he declines. They will literally try to count that as a sub like the guy could magically activate his sub out of the blue. They have disease of 'Howie Math'. Where Howard would act like one Sirius sub not only counted as one listener for him, meaning he had a 100% listening rate on the service, but that because people carpool or listen in their businesses that each sub should count as two or more people. One sub for Howard meant 50 listeners. It was like Scorch's claim that PFGTV could be seen by billions. If you walked by a Sirius radio once in your life you should be counted as a subscriber.
Pretty much Sirius's entire business model is signing cheap content and overloading their service to make it look like they are still alive. Branding channels with Tiktok or ESPN or Fox News or any company that will lend their brand name for a channel. To make it look like Sirius is some huge company that literally everyone wants to work with to try to get some angel investor or some media company to merge with them. "See....we have a Tiktok radio channel....young people love invest in Sirius!!". Their entire business model currently is them hoping and praying that someone like Disney or Apple purchases their full company. That is it. I would bet that they are losing money every single quarter without question hoping to stay afloat until another merger.
So signing a probably sub $1million a year show to produce like Jim and Sam is a no brainer for Sirius. You can pad tons of hours of the air with live content for low cost. And try to cast some mirage that your dead satellite radio company is still running full steam.
Also Stern's listener numbers are horrific. Probably well under 100K per day when he is live. And under 20K a day when he is not live. He has no audience anymore. And has trouble getting advertisers.
I know Netflix has a business model that's almost exclusively based upon getting new feet in the door and those people forgetting about their subscriptions for months, even years.
Netflix's business model is laundering money for the Mossad or CIA. One of the greatest things that this whole fag actors strike has brought out is that Netflix doesn't publicly show their streaming numbers when they send out residual checks. You just have to take Netflix's word for how many people are watching and how much money it generates. They keep them a secret from the production companies because if the real numbers were known it would either cause them to have to pay massive residuals to popular shows. Or it would cause their stock to tank because people would see that no one is watching streaming channels enough to justify the overhead.
Most likely Netflix does not make a profit. And if they have to pay large residuals to people for their shows they will not be able to afford them without a massive cost hike for subscribers. Would anyone pay $300 a month for any streaming service right now? Because if they need to start paying cable level residuals they will absolutely be a dead company without some major money laundering (which I suspect has always been their entire business model).
HBO could not afford to pay residuals for Westworld when it streamed on HBO Max. So no way Netflix can be making money.
How's Sirius doing anyway?
Ask yourself how many people you know have HBOMAX or Amazon Prime Video or Netflix. Then ask yourself how many people you know have Sirius. I am the only person I know who has Sirius still. Yet every single person I speak to regularly mentions some show they watch on a streaming service. And every single business I know that used Sirius to put music in their lobbies uses some internet service now or some have even gone back to using cable television.
Yeah but Worm doesn’t even know anything really about MMA. He’s just obsessed with masculine men. So what the fuck does he even talk about in regards to fighting? It’s not like he can go in depth.
Rogan was the same. Rogan's commentary on MMA is clueless. Constantly getting the submissions wrong. Calling the wrong shots. Predicting the next move incorrectly. The guy listened to Gangster Fag rap music and rolled naked BJJ in his garage with his friends. They are not into MMA for the actual fighting.
I hate how faggot comedians are polluting sports.