Hey, asshole. You're going to fuck up Pat's "poor me victim" grift if you keep talking like that. I hope Pat sees this and tears into him. I love a good boar/bore fight.
Holy crap, not to break the fourth wall here, but he’s right and doesn’t even understand why. Yeah. We are a joke. That’s exactly it. No one here is swatting anyone, no one here is doing anything to anyone in real life, and about 1% of the people here even text Patrick or interact with him on Twitter. Literally, if there are more than 200 people registered here, then it’s less than 1%.
And both of them have their names, addresses and phone numbers in public already. One of them gave those things voluntarily, the other one actually showed up in court with Patrick.
He’s rattling the cage here because he knows we won’t do anything. We never have. We don’t get along with kiwi farms and a large part of that is because those people take things way too far. He won’t set foot over there because he knows that they are exactly what he is pretending we are. They will deal out real life
consequences to him. They would not only threaten him, they would follow through with it. That’s why he’s bugging us and not them.
But he knows this because he’s read this place. He knows we’ve called out the swatting as wrong multiple times. We’re going to laugh about it and talk about it, but no one here supports it. It even caused a dust up between some people here and some people over at Farms.
He’s a tough guy trying to take out the kids on the playground who are calling each other and everyone else names. Meanwhile he’s ignoring the drug dealers that are right off of school campus causing real problems. Again, he knows this. The idea that we could intimidate anyone is laughable. We’ve never even tried. We make fun of the few people here who think they are Internet tough guys.
I can’t stress this enough, he already knows that. He’s the one issuing threats and playing tough guy. Meanwhile he doesn’t dare head over to the farms and cause this kind of bullshit because he knows they won’t find it funny.
OK. Rant over. Back to Kayfabe.