
Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
Funny how much of the online English lexicon is from the alt right. "Cringe," "cuck" and "grifter" were the default insults to pro-kike right wingers from 2016-2019. Whenever I hear those words I still think of Stephan Molyneux, Crowder, Sargon, Paul Joseph Watson, etc. Then it bloomed and bloomed.
Like 90% of online lingo, it was born on 4chan. Then it followed the familiar pattern of summerfags who couldn't resist using it off site, perpetuated by mainstream assholes who wanted to pretend to be part of the cool club, and ultimately so thoroughly diluted that teenagers on Instagram and catladies on Twitter are using it and think it's theirs.

Trayvon Fartin

You’re a fat crack smoker
Man, you’re just one of those guys who really tells it like it is. A true contrarian if you will. Some would even call you an asshole for no good reason. You spend at least a portion of every day “owning” someone twenty years your junior. Let me a stab in the dark here. 1 ex wife, 1 reasonably successful son who doesn’t talk to you much, and a whore daughter who mostly just asks for money. No one in your family can stand your Joe Cumia like rants.

Burned his ass good Boq