

Carol's Stink Blaster

Poot poot poot poot
What did you think was going to happen, stupid shitlibs?

I forgot, shitlibs don't think.

Conservatards at least try to think, though their logic is laughably stupid.


If the LGBTQPIA+ community in Michigan starts speaking about against Muslims, we need to all call them racist White supremacists.
Based Islam desert burial/stoning the tranny zog agenda

More Worser

Not Mexican. Not jewish. NOT bald.😡
I don't believe he always wanted that body. I theorize that he saw tranny porn online that confused the reptilian part of his brain (the part that sees two circles and thinks of tits or ass) and then he got caught up in a self-reinforcing loop of jerking off to it, which conditioned his mind to the point where he turned himself into this.

There's a doctor of something of other (not me, although i agree with him) who posits that there are different modalities of trannyism and the above scenario is one of them.

It's like the saying, hang around a barber shop long enough and you're bound to get a haircut