
Holy FUCK that's funny.


I've only encountered one undeniable pedo in my life. Was on the train home from work and there this White mother and her son sitting next to me and this clearly mentally disturbed White guy set right across from them and he was staring at the kid like he was food and didn't break eye contact the entire time. They were getting ready to get off and he started fidgeting in his chair and I was fully preparing myself to punch this faggot as hard as I can if he makes a move on the kid. He didn't thankfully.

I'm fully trained fighter, and being 6'1 helps. :image_4159_m::image_9247_m:


I've only encountered one undeniable pedo in my life. Was on the train home from work and there this White mother and her son sitting next to me and this clearly mentally disturbed White guy set right across from them and he was staring at the kid like he was food and didn't break eye contact the entire time. They were getting ready to get off and he started fidgeting in his chair and I was fully preparing myself to punch this faggot as hard as I can if he makes a move on the kid. He didn't thankfully.
sounds like you were staring at this guy like competition and wanted the child for yourself

but, because you know pedos are hated you projected these delusions onto this random bus passenger, then in your sickness painted yourself as the hero who would defeat him and save the child

very reminiscent of anthony wanted to save little girls from make believe nigger pirates on dessert islands