there's 3 new faggots in town

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
2 factor identification will be implemented soon. Get your dick pics ready.



it doesn't taste all that good
It's not so much suicide watch as it is a few nice nurses making sure he doesn't get too excited and irritable "feeble men's ward"
He's holding an AMA as we speak. It's going about as well as you might expect. The mods were actually summoning you in there to make sure you aren't dead. Are you dead? because if so, we kinda already have a dead guy here , and a bunch of others pretending they're dead too (but we don't think they're really dead) so we're kinda stocked up on Ghosts of famous people.


Pay attention to how nervous I am
He's holding an AMA as we speak. It's going about as well as you might expect. The mods were actually summoning you in there to make sure you aren't dead. Are you dead? because if so, we kinda already have a dead guy here , and a bunch of others pretending they're dead too (but we don't think they're really dead) so we're kinda stocked up on Ghosts of famous people.
Also, did he figure a way out of that beer can pileup situation? So many lingering questions..