South Park is horrible now.

I watched the first three episodes and stopped. It was just so boring. An episode about the toilet paper industry, who the fuck cares? The part I enjoyed in those three episodes was the 10 seconds of Cupid Ye's Valentine's day shrine to Hitler. And I don't understand the point about making an episode about how jews don't run Hollywood and then closing it out with a speech saying yeah there's a lot of jews in Hollywood but there are very good reasons for that. Maybe the heeb writers realize that too many people know and they can't just deny it anymore, like they did with St. Mel in the mid 2000's, so they have to dress it up.
South park got boring as shit sometime in the late 2000s. I stopped watching around the time they had that lice episode.

My favorite episodes in no particular order
1. When Randy keeps getting drunk and fighting with people at the little league World Series games
2. The russel crowe fighting episode
3. When they have the Chinese food restaurant build a wall around the town

Probably my favorite scene in the entire show. Everything in it makes me laugh from Denver having committed 638 errors to Randy imagining Sharon cheering him on despite her yelling at him to stop the entire episode. That was peak Randy. Early Randy was just a dad. The last 8 seasons of him has been insufferable. This was the happy medium.



Probably my favorite scene in the entire show. Everything in it makes me laugh from Denver having committed 638 errors to Randy imagining Sharon cheering him on despite her yelling at him to stop the entire episode. That was peak Randy. Early Randy was just a dad. The last 8 seasons of him has been insufferable. This was the happy medium.
I never realized I cared about gay shit like this, especially in cartoons, but they ruined randy when he stopped caring his family.
I never realized I cared about gay shit like this, especially in cartoons, but they ruined randy when he stopped caring his family.
I think it has more to do with turning him from slightly clueless (or totally clueless but in small doses) to full blown retard who's insanely aggressive and mean. Think how much different the episode where he says nigger on wheel of fortune would be today. He'd probably just be a dick and give away weed to make people forget about it. Hilarious.

You are right that he doesn't care about his family, I think it just is a byproduct of changing his character. Their only interactions now are him berating them for not liking his weed business. The you got served episode is perfect Randy. He goes from the stereotypical dad who's annoyed his son didn't dance back to contrite because he knows his lessons screwed Stan as he can't win a dance off. Dancing, being a stand in for kids fighting in school, is like Nana still hilarious to me.


Knee Deep in the Hoopla
The samurai one where they hit Butter’s in the eye with a throwing star and dress him up like a dog (not the actual title)
Just the moment where they cut from being ninjas to Butters standing there with a weapon stuck in his eyeball is funnier than anything they've done in years.

The last season I think I chuckled once. The rest was either dull or painfully stupid. Cartman's living in a hotdog stand. Then they tie it all together so he's not. None of it was funny. They've got all year to come up with 6 funny episodes and they can't even do that.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
Just the moment where they cut from being ninjas to Butters standing there with a weapon stuck in his eyeball is funnier than anything they've done in years.

The last season I think I chuckled once. The rest was either dull or painfully stupid. Cartman's living in a hotdog stand. Then they tie it all together so he's not. None of it was funny. They've got all year to come up with 6 funny episodes and they can't even do that.
I must have caught the last few full season ones and they were pretty funny in my opinion. Anything memorable in particular? Not really.
Even good TV inevitably gets ruined. Like a good teacher in a public school system, the constraints of the medium actively fights anything good about them. Sooner or later they all become noise to occupy attention between relentless propaganda -- only thought desirable because of its thinness, familiarity, and repetition.

Lynch knew that when he created Twin Peaks. He wanted to create a show with narrative stasis -- lots happening but nothing revealed -- a mystery from beginning to end. Of course the medium/execs beat him and so it's revealed that Bob/TV kills Laura and the show. It took him a film and a sequel series 25 years later to salvage his vision.

There are some good shows (a few already mentioned in this thread), but eventually they all get defeated. The medium is just too strong.


★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The problem with shows like The Simpsons and South Park being on for so long is that people start immitating the style of humor until it becomes preditable and repetitive. Same with Douglas Adams. When he was the first doing it he was funny, and the 5 people who got his references appreciated it. Now reading Hitchhikers Guide is like reading a reddit comment thread.


Even good TV inevitably gets ruined. Like a good teacher in a public school system, the constraints of the medium actively fights anything good about them. Sooner or later they all become noise to occupy attention between relentless propaganda -- only thought desirable because of its thinness, familiarity, and repetition.

Lynch knew that when he created Twin Peaks. He wanted to create a show with narrative stasis -- lots happening but nothing revealed -- a mystery from beginning to end. Of course the medium/execs beat him and so it's revealed that Bob/TV kills Laura and the show. It took him a film and a sequel series 25 years later to salvage his vision.

There are some good shows (a few already mentioned in this thread), but eventually they all get defeated. The medium is just too strong.
Please expand on the constraints of the medium (well-put phrase btw).


Even good TV inevitably gets ruined. Like a good teacher in a public school system, the constraints of the medium actively fights anything good about them. Sooner or later they all become noise to occupy attention between relentless propaganda -- only thought desirable because of its thinness, familiarity, and repetition.

Lynch knew that when he created Twin Peaks. He wanted to create a show with narrative stasis -- lots happening but nothing revealed -- a mystery from beginning to end. Of course the medium/execs beat him and so it's revealed that Bob/TV kills Laura and the show. It took him a film and a sequel series 25 years later to salvage his vision.

There are some good shows (a few already mentioned in this thread), but eventually they all get defeated. The medium is just too strong.
Please expand on the constraints of the medium (well-put phrase btw).


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
The problem with shows like The Simpsons and South Park being on for so long is that people start immitating the style of humor until it becomes preditable and repetitive. Same with Douglas Adams. When he was the first doing it he was funny, and the 5 people who got his references appreciated it. Now reading Hitchhikers Guide is like reading a reddit comment thread.
42! Lol.

medium wyzzz

tbh I thought the wuhan ep was ok and the Q one was kinda funny. I’ve never seen the Kanye Ep, but I saw in they changed his character. Idk if that was Matt and Trey’s decision but I just remember the new name they picked (some Cupid shit or something) being fucking stupid to me.