Someone Nutted a Baby In This UnFunny Hole

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile

Sue Lightning

What the hell is Dawsons Creek

big disgusting Rocky Dennis skull

Have you ever noticed how short Italians foreheads are? They are literally the closest link to our missing link. Very tiny skulls and their brains aren’t working very hard.


Unnaturally small forehead = small skull = small brain…Can’t take same IQ tests as rest of population.

You’ll also notice a lot of “Italian” icons are secretly hebrew. The bastardization that is italian american culture is not italian but jewish. The jewish mom stereotype is the italian mom one. The gesturing and money / consumerist bedrock of their lives….The italian american mafia only exists because of the influence of zionists / jewish gangsters in the 1900’s…if one is rats then Italians are mice


Nothing about this picture is European or anything resembling white or even Italian

“De niro” “Scorcese” “De Blasio” “Cuomo” “Cumia” “Giuliani”

All jews