
Hosting Brunch at a Night Club.
March 1st.

This year is looking PFG already!


Single Action Army

We ain't goon hooligans we Maloonigans
Came to post this, fawk yeah.

Hopefully he can monetize this and afford a maid.
View attachment 175483

His generosity knows no bounds. What very limited time he's not entertaining the masses he gives to his lil furry pal. Someone more selfish would waste that on frivolities like, cleaning the huge spiderwebs off their walls or something, but Scorch always has his eyes on the prize.

Mitch Weaver

Wave bye bye, staIker
this place needs to pivot away from gay shit like patposting and towards making scorch into a beloved household name and bullying Sam to suicide.
For the longest time Scorch would avoid commenting on O&A but once he did say something to the effect of “Sam has lied about what happened when we worked together and I can’t wait to run into him, Man to Sam”.

The thought of Scorch pummeling that genetic mistake is PFG
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