Ron Perlman’s nemesis telling it like it is.


Potential R* Screenshotter

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Can anyone provide a cow-to-English translation?

View attachment 66492

Your mother raised you to smoke crack, you fucking nigger.
More MINDLESS retardation from another inept MORON who can’t understand simple ENGLISH. Let me put it terms an IMBECILE can understand!!!!😘😘😘

My mother didn’t raise me to RAISE my fists to RETARDS. She raised me to care for my fellow MAN. Not some IT who can’t keep ITSELF together!!!! You know??? Like any good PARENT does??? Oh, that’s right. You’re parents HATE you!!!!🤣🤣🤣

You mongrels use the same TACTICS these ITS do. You’re mad that I figured out the SECRET to defeating IT. By not giving IT what it wants, IT dies. There’s the secret. The secret to having more GIGS than I have EVER had!!!! ITS called, “starve IT”. See you faggots at my brothers show.😎😎😎

#starveit #PAIDgigs #VoteRed
LOL sure Joe, that happened. Joe's life is so meaningless, unimportant and dull that he needs to invent wild fantasy scenarios while he waits in line to pay for his crappy lunch. Of course Joe just happened to bump into the ultimate libtard stereotype, and of course he ultimately triumphed, just like in his vivid little daydream. Just like how he's always running into war veterans and rescuing flags from the vicious, life-ruining liberal onslaught.