Reminder: Bill Burr produced a short cuckolding movie.

Bill is one of the palest people I've ever seen yet his kid he had with his black wife doesn't look to have any white in her. She looks fully dark skinned. How?
I'll never forget the story from the old sub, that Bill was contemplating a DNA test for the child, until Ni**a's brother cornered him and explained that they have really dark relatives and sometimes it can skip a generation. Of course Bill did his "Ah geez what do I know, I'm just a dumb white guy who doesn't read." and that was that. I see no reason why this couldn't be true.


Keyboard Warrior
I'll never forget the story from the old sub, that Bill was contemplating a DNA test for the child, until Ni**a's brother cornered him and explained that they have really dark relatives and sometimes it can skip a generation. Of course Bill did his "Ah geez what do I know, I'm just a dumb white guy who doesn't read." and that was that. I see no reason why this couldn't be true.
But you know he knows.

And he enjoys the humiliation.
Bill is gay for athletic black men. He's mentioned his fondness for black athletes every chance he gets and has gone as far as to say baseball didn’t begin till Jackie Robinson. If he had a simple fetish for black women like deniro or bowie he would've married a black model. Instead he marries the blackest manliest looking wildebeest, who represents everything Bill stated he didn't want in a woman.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
God is magical like that. Like sometimes a white couple has a baby and it comes out black as night. You can’t question why that happens, it just does
There's an old episode of 90 day fiance where this Mormon married this Russian broad living in the Czech Republic. Her best friend is African. She marries the Mormon and then goes back to the CR to visit and 9 months later she has a baby that's black as pitch.
The fucking dope lies to himself and said that his family background has darker skinned people! Yeah okay, Mormons who what until the 80s didn't allow blacks in their church?
This is the same crap Bill thinks
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Racist Google Intern

Please watch the Itchy and Scratchy Friends Hour!
Bill is one of the palest people I've ever seen yet his kid he had with his black wife doesn't look to have any white in her. She looks fully dark skinned. How?
We should turn to the Quran for info
Abu Hurayrah reported: A desert Arab came to Allah’s Messenger may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him and said: My wife has given birth to a jet black skinned child and I have disowned him. Thereupon Allah’s Messenger may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him said: Do you have you any camels? He said: Yes. He said: What colours are they? He said? They are red. He said: Are there anyone Awraq ones amongst them? He said: Yes. Allah’s Messenger may peace be upon him said: How has it come about? He said: Messenger of Allah, it is perhaps due to a hereditary gene of it being drawn out , whereupon the Holy Prophet may peace be upon him said: This child may be due to a hereditary gene of the child being drawn out.’
Bill must have had an irish black uncle!
I'll never forget the story from the old sub, that Bill was contemplating a DNA test for the child, until Ni**a's brother cornered him and explained that they have really dark relatives and sometimes it can skip a generation. Of course Bill did his "Ah geez what do I know, I'm just a dumb white guy who doesn't read." and that was that. I see no reason why this couldn't be
really dark relatives. As if Nia were lights kinked. She's as black as any Afro-American can be. The child almost universally takes on their fathers genetics more than the mothers. Yet his daughter is black as night.
Bill isn't an Irish Catholic from Boston proper. That's his personal. He's a German Protestant who grew up in a cul de sac with a dental surgeon father. This, is the root cause of his white guilt. This and his closet homosexuality for athletic black men.
Jesus, that makes the fact that he made his father some asshole, blue collar, loud mouth Mick from Boston who works at the airport on his animated show instead of a rich dentist.
Jesus, that makes the fact that he made his father some asshole, blue collar, loud mouth Mick from Boston who works at the airport on his animated show instead of a rich dentist.
Did he really do that? Much as I hate him, Anthony really was/is right about Bill being a phony. At least Louis CK was always a pretentious guy hating creep. I gotta give Bill credit for taking the high road with Anthony, though.


Did he really do that? Much as I hate him, Anthony really was/is right about Bill being a phony. At least Louis CK was always a pretentious guy hating creep. I gotta give Bill credit for taking the high road with Anthony, though.
I always laugh thinkin about how ant thought itd be fine to say:

"Yeah I think bills wife is ugly and disgusting. But bill would probably not like my taste in women either, so whys he mad that i said that?"