Pats daily manic tweets June 10th

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
My dad, who is basically a less retarded joe minus being a bum, has said the same thing. He has/had the maga hat and was all in for years and he said he didn't bother voting in the primaries for the first time in decades and may not even care enough to vote at all. I'm surprised there hasn't been a big third party candidate this election, even as a joke but I also have barely paid attention.
there’s RFK who I will vote for because he’s a Kennedy and Uncle Joon was a bit Jackie Kennedy fan. Also he’s a silver fox.

And there’s an actual faggot running for the libertarian party who is was pro mask mandate and anti age of consent laws
lmao what a great find.

Pat in 2020: "Biden is too old and should not have run."

Pat in 2024: "Biden's age has never been a factor."

How does anyone, even the fucking losers on Twitter, take Pat seriously?
they don't even remember their takes from two days ago. hiv-demented faggots like those are easily controlled.